Trang tin tức sự kiện

UEB – a place where we belong

On 4th March 2021, VNU University of Economics and Business held a meeting with more than 30 young lecturers of the University.

The meeting was attended by Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Truc Le – Rector and Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Anh Thu – Vice Rector together with leaders of offices and faculties of the University. This is an annual event held by the Office of Human Resource aiming at connecting the young lecturers with the university, the senior lecturers, staff and offices.

Speaking at the meeting, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Truc Le emphasized the importance of internationalization and promotion of research activities, policy consultation of the lecturers. At the same time, he wanted the young lecturers to work with all their heart and engage deeply in all activities of the university.
  At the meeting, the young lecturers had chances to discuss with each other and asked questions to the leaders of the University, which were answered in details by the leaders of the university.


Tag: UEB Lectures

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