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Women's Team Excellence Award for tickets to the final of women's football.

On 19/3/2016 , Faculty of Economics Women's team outstanding political win for a chance at the finals of the women's football by the Youth Union - University of Economics - VNU organization founded 85 years anniversary Communist youth union of Ho Chi Minh.

     In the opening match of the season for troops , female team Faculty of Political Economy excellent 5-2 win serious competitor of BA With an impressive gameplay , players were excellent My Huyen scored 3 out of 5 shot scored .

          Following the success of the opening game , the next game Faculty of Political Economy department continued to spend 2-0 victory when the teams met in Accounting , and stand up for themselves top spot .

          In the last semifinal , facing heavy competition is International Economics Department , Faculty of Political Economy female team unanimously political unity, determined to win. In that spirit , outstanding students have won  Faculty of Political Economy tickets become 2nd team reached the finals with an overwhelming 3-0 .

           Hopefully , with the spirit on , the golden girl of the department of political economy continued to win major victories in the finals on April 26.3.2016 . Good for the girls of the Political Economy of success and victory , bringing pride to the department of political economy .


Thao Nguyen


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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