Trang tin tức sự kiện

The thought and exoerience for getting acadamic cholarships

I used to get Shinnyo scholarship, I am very honored to receive the scholarship one more time. In order to have the achievement today, I have had to get over lots of challenges. My life seems to be changed not only physically but also mentally by the scholarship did.
The scholarship’s consideration and selection which is so interesting, specifically attracting many students who have the circumstance like mine. My life and another thing else have gotten better and better since I gained the scholarship. In order to pay the school fee, I have to do a part-time job, so that I have spent almost my free time for doing the job. Therefore, I mostly do not have enough time for reviewing what I had learnt in the class or even not do the intensive research either. Fortunately, I have had more time to study and research since the day I got the scholarship, so that my learning results is improve significantly.
I have used the scholarship’s money just for recovering the living and study expenses. Beside that I who have also bought the books and school supplies, paying for the different courses in order to cater for learning and researching as well.
Last but not least, through the paper I would also like to thank the organizers and scholarships Shinnyo’s sponsors facilitating to help me.  I promise that I will try my best to study and train myself to become a useful citizen in order to deserve with what my parents and the sponsors have given to me.

Phuong Do


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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