Trang tin tức sự kiện

Faculty of Political Economics cooperate with Yen Bai province in oder to open Master’s programe in Economic Management.

On 1st April 2016, Faculty of Political Economics had a working session with leaders of People's Committee and director of political training Center of Nghia Lo Town, Yen Bai province. The Faculty’s representatives include: A. Prof – Ph.D. Pham Van Dung – Dean, Ph.D. Tran Quang Tuyen – Vice Dean, A. Prof – Ph.D. Pham Thi Hong Diep - Head of Department of Economic Management.

During the meeting, Dr. Pham Van Dung introduced the content of Master’s programe in Economic Management.  The  representative of Political Training Center expressed their wish to have support and facilitation from the University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University and Faculty of Political Economics for students at the Political Training Center can take courses in economic management to enhance their management capacity.

Faculty of Political Economics also met students who wishes to attend University of Economics and Business and disseminated the content, regulations, forms of learning and answered questions from the students.

The meeting took place successfully, the two sides agreed to cooperate in training and Faculty of Political Economics will dicuss  with Board of Directors of the University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University to give official answer to the Political Training Center of Nghia Lo town, Yen Bai province in the earliest time possible.

Que Hang


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