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Student of Political Economy Lotte honored with scholarships

May 17, 2016 Lotte Scholarship Foundation held a ceremony awarding scholarships to 76 outstanding students from 8 major universities in the city of Hanoi, including the University of Economics and Bussiness - VNU .

Lotte Scholarship Fund was established in 1983, began with the noble idea of ​​President Shin Gyuk-Ho, who understands the important role of education for the future generations. To Vietnam, Lotte scholarships have been with the students since 2008, spent 8 years with mission talented wing in Vietnam is Lotte Scholarship Foundation transmits and disseminates to thousands of students Vietnam.

In this Lotte scholarship ceremony  time, the University of Economics - VNU had 6 students received the scholarships . In that, Pham Thi Yen (QH-2013E-Economics, Faculty of Political Economy) for outstanding academic achievement and excellent training results.

After Lotte scholarship award ceremony ended, we had a chat with Pham Thi Yen. Joy and happiness could not hide the nest on her face. Share with us, Yen felt very fortunated and honored to overcome many of other students to receives this scholarship. Lotte Scholarship assistance was not only physically but also great spiritual significance. The scholarships are selected is the most obvious recognition of the efforts, efforts in both the study and practice of Yen in recent years. That was the incentive for her to strive to achieve higher performance in the future.

Share the experience gained scholarships, Yen said that the efforts of ourselves was indispensable. Should try to exercise daily struggle. Each person should set goals and implementation plan explicitly. Besides learning in university, you should participate in social actions. It can help you have more practical experience and social support  likes true wishes of the scholarship.

Yen Pham


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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