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Scientific seminar on the theme: “The issues of teaching political economy”.

On 10th May 2016, Faculty of Political Economics organized seminar with the theme “The issues of teaching political economy”. This activity belongs to Seminar series named Recognizing Modern Political Economy of Faculty of Political Economics, are held periodically from 2015 to present.

Speaker of the seminar was A. Prof – Ph.D. Pham Van Dung, Dean of Faculty of Political Economics, with presentation title coincided with the theme of seminar. Attending the seminar were full participation of lecturers of Faculty. In the beginning of the presentation, the speaker introduced concept of political economy according to modern outlook, clearly identified  the object, the purpose and research method of Political Economy and overview of the market economy and market economic models in the world. Then, the presentation showed major issues which need to be taught  in political economy, such as business organizations, the basic resources and the main market, economic structure, distribution of income and social welfare, institution and sustainable development. Each major topic group included many specific problems.

The presentation received a number of constructive comments from lectureres of Faculty related to the concept of modern political economy, the way to divide main issues as well as the specific contents of each group of major problems .

Discussed contents in seminar is expected to be synthesized and put into a draft outline of Modern Political Economy syllabus by the speaker, with paticipation in compilation of the lecturers of Faculty of Political Economics in the near future.




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