Trang tin tức sự kiện

Assessing results of Master thesis for class 2015 E_CH Economics Management

From September 20th, 2017 to September 22th , 2017 , mission of the Faculty of Political Economics, University of Economics and Business, Viet Nam National University, Ha Noi by Dr.Tran Quang Tuyen who was assistant dean of the the Faculty of Political Economics lead to work at Ha Tinh University.
Lecturers of
the Faculty of Political Economics participate in the 8 Science Councils, assessed the results of Master theses for fourty five students class QH2015E_CH major in Economics Management.

Also on this business trip, Dr.Tran Quang Tuyen on behalf of the lecturers of the Faculty of Political Economics, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi gave to support the lectures, students of Ha Tinh University where suffered damage caused by the Storm No.10, the amount of three millions. On behalf of the Administration of Ha Tinh University, Dr. Doan Hoai Son received the gifts and spent profound thanks to the lecturers of the Faculty of Political Economics, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Dr. Doan Hoai Son wished the Mission of the University of Economics and Business have effective working days at the Ha Tinh University.

Huyen Anna (translated)


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