1. Thông tin cá nhân
Họ và tên: | Nguyễn Đình Tiến | 
Năm sinh: | 1978 |
Vị trí công tác: | Giảng viên Khoa Kinh tế Phát triển, ĐHKT
Học vị: | Tiến sĩ |
Ngoại ngữ: | Tiếng anh |
Email: | nguyendinhtien@vnu.edu.vn |
Điện thoại: | 0942945568 |
Địa chỉ CQ: | 144 Xuân Thủy, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội |
2. Quá trình đào tạo
- 2001: Cử nhân Kinh tế, Đại học Nông nghiệp I Hà nội
- 2009: Thạc sĩ Kinh tế Nông nghiệp, chuyên ngành Marketing, Đại học Quốc gia Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines
- 2016: Tiến sĩ Kinh tế Tài Nguyên, Đại học Quốc gia Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines
3. Quá trình công tác
- 2016 - nay: Trường Đại học Kinh tế - Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội
- 2005-2016: Trung Tâm Sinh thái Nông nghiệp, Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
- 2001-2005: Công ty TNHH CP Livestock, Thái Lan
4. Hướng nghiên cứu/giảng dạy chính
- Kinh tế môi trường,
- Phát triển bền vững,
- Chi trả dịch vụ Môi trường rừng (PFES),
- Biến đổi khí hậu,
- REDD+.
5. Công trình đã công bố
5.1. Sách, giáo trình, sách chuyên khảo:
1. Nguyễn Đình Tiến, Nguyễn Thi Hải Ninh, Pham Thanh Lan, and Stephen J. Leisz (2008). Hiệu quả kinh tế của canh tác nương rẫy tổng hợp tại bản Tát, tỉnh Hòa Bình, Việt nam. Canh tác nương rấy tổng hợp – Một góc nhìn. Nhà xuất bản Nông nghiệp. 2008. Trần Đức Viên chủ biên.
2. Nguyen Thi Hai Ninh, Dang Viet Quang, Nguyen Dinh Tien, and Ingrid Foik (2009). Diversification of Household Livelihood Strategies in Tat Hamlet. In Tran Duc Vien, A. Terry Rambo, and Nguyen Thanh Lam (edited). Farming with Fire and Water: The human ecology of a composite swiddening community in Vietnam Northern Mountains. Kyoto University Press, Japan, 2009.
3. Nguyen Dinh Tien and Nguyen The Phuong (2008). Marketing of agricultural & forest products in the upland areas of Nghe An province. In Le Van An (edited). Market, Natural Resource Management and Animal Diseased in the Upland Areas of Vietnam, Hanoi Agriculture Publishing House, 2008.
5.2. Các bài nghiên cứu
Bài báo khoa học quốc tế
Đăng trên hệ thống tạp chí quốc tế thuộc hệ thống danh mục ISI (SCIE):
1. Nguyen Dinh Tien, Roberto F. Rañola., Jr, and Pham Thu Thuy (2017). Potential Impact of The REDD+ Program on Poverty Reduction in Nghe An Province, Vietnam. Forests 2017, SCIE (ISI), Volume 8, Issue 10, 376. Available at http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/8/10/376
2. Moira Moeliono, Thu Thuy Pham, Ngoc Dung Le, Maria Brockhaus, Grace Wong, Maarit Kallio, Dinh Tien Nguyen (2016). Local Governance, Social Networks and REDD+: Lessons from Swidden Communities in Vietnam. Human Ecology. 2016 SCIE(ISI), Volume 44, Issue 4, pp 435–448. Available at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10745-016-9839-4
3. Thuy Thu Pham, Jean-Christophe Castella, Guillaume Lestrelin, Ole Mertz, Dung Ngoc Le, Moira Moeliono, Tan Quang Nguyen, Hien Thi Vu, and Tien Dinh Nguyen (2015). Adapting Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) to Local Contexts in REDD+: Lessons from Three Experiments in Vietnam. Forests 2015 SCIE (ISI), Vol 6, page 2405-2423. Available at http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/6/7/2405
4. Jeppe Ankersen, Kenneth Grogan, Ole Mertz, Rasmus Fensholt, Jean-Christophe Castella, Guillaume Lestrelin, Tien Dinh Nguyen, Finn Danielsen, Søren Brofeldt, Kjeld Rasmussen (2015). Vietnam’s Forest Transition in Retrospect: Demonstrating Weaknesses in Business-as-Usual Scenarios for REDD+. Environmental Management SCI/SCIE (ISI). Volume 55, Issue 5, pp 1080–1092. Available at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00267-015-0443-y
Đăng trên hệ thống tạp chí, kỷ yếu quốc tế thuộc danh mục Scopus
- Pijika Timsuksai, Nguyen Dinh Tien, and A. Terry Rambo (2015). Home gardens of the Cao Lan, a Tai-Speaking Ethnic Minority in Vietnam’s Northern Mountains. Southeast Asian Studies (Scopus) Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2015, pp. 365-383. Available at http://englishkyoto-seas.org/2015/08/vol-4-no-2-pijika-nguyen-rambo/
Đăng trên các tạp chí quốc tế khác:
1. Pham Thu Thuy, Dao Thi Linh Chi, Nguyen Dinh Tien, Haas Johannes Christian, and Hoang Tuan Long (2018). Local perspectives on drivers of deforestation and degradation and effectiveness of financial incentive mechanisms in Bach Ma National Park. Working paper No 240. CIFOR, 2018. Available at. http://www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/WPapers/WP240Pham.pdf
2. Phạm TT, Đào TLC, Hoàng TL, Nguyễn ĐT, Lê MT, Nông HH và Đặng TN. 2018. Tác động của chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng (PFES) tại Sơn La, Việt Nam. Nghiên cứu chuyên đề 188. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR. Available at. https://www.cifor.org/library/6955/tac-ng-ca-chi-tr-dch-v-moi-trng-rng-pfes-ti-sn-la-vit-nam/
3. Phạm Thu Thủy , Đào Thị Linh Chi, Hoàng Tuấn Long, Nguyễn Đình Tiến, Lê Mạnh Thắng, Nông Hồng Hạnh, Đặng Thúy Nga (2018). Tác động của chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng (PFES) tại Sơn La Từ giả thuyết đến thực tế. CIFOR Occasional Paper no. 188. Available at https://www.cifor.org/library/6918/tac-ng-ca-chi-tr-dch-v-moi-trng-rng-pfes-ti-sn-la-tu-gia-thuyet-den-thuc-te/
4. Nguyen Dinh Tien and Roberto F. Rañola., Jr (2017). Factor affecting participation in the REDD+ program in the central region of Vietnam. Agricultural Research & Technology 2017, Vol 3, Issue 5, the US. Available at https://juniperpublishers.com/artoaj/pdf/ARTOAJ.MS.ID.555622.pdf .
5. Anastasia Yang, Nguyen Dinh Tien, Le Quang Trung, and Vu Tan Phuong (2016). Analyzing multilevel governance in Vietnam: lessons for REDD+ through land use change and benefit sharing in the provinces of Nghe An and Dien Bien (CIFOR) http://dx.doi.org/10.17528/cifor/006392.
6. Nguyen Dinh Tien and Anastasia Lucy Yang (2015). Multi-Level Governance, Carbon Management and Land Use Decisions: A case study in Nghe An province, Vietnam (online on CIFOR website in June, 2015).
7. Pham Thu Thuy, Karen Bennett, Vu Tan Phuong, Jake Brunner, Le Ngoc Dung, and Nguyen Dinh Tien, (2013). Payments for forest environmental services in Vietnam, From policy to practice http://www.cifor.org/online-library/browse/view-publication/publication/4247.html
8. Thomas Sikor and Nguyen Dinh Tien (2013). Benefit distribution mechanisms (BDM) for REDD+ in Vietnam (Policy Brief of i-REDD project, August, 2014)
9. Pham Thu Thuy, Karen Bennett, Vu Tan Phuong, Jake Brunner, Le Ngoc Dung, and Nguyen Dinh Tien, (2013). Payments for forest environmental services in Vietnam, From policy to practice. Policy Brief No.20, August 2013. Available at http://www.cifor.org/online-library/browse/view-publication/publication/4185.html
10. Thomas Sikor and Nguyen Dinh Tien (2012): Analysis of Benefit Distribution Mechanisms in Vietnam. I-REDD+ report
11. Nguyen Dinh Tien, Tran Duc Vien, and Nguyen Thanh Lam (2011). To much focus on Forest Conservation, Too little on Food. Center for People and Forest (RECOFTC) - Policy Brief August, 2011. Available at http://forestindustries.eu/sites/default/files/userfiles/1file/RECOFTC_21July10_B2_web.pdf
Bài báo đăng kỉ yếu hội thảo quốc tế khác:
Bài báo đăng trên tạp chí trong nước:
- Nguyen Dinh Tien and Mai Lan Phuong (2010). Spatial Market Integration of the Soybean Industry in Hanoi province, Vietnam. Journal of Science Development, No 8 (English Issue.2):175-184.
Bài báo đăng kỉ yếu hội thảo trong nước:
1. Nguyen Dinh Tien, Pham Thi Mai Huong, Pham Tien Dat, Tran Thi Lan Huong (2013). Environment, climate change, and its impacts on local livelihoods of local people in Thanh Son district, Phu Tho province, Vietnam (CARES).
2. Guillaume Lestrelin and Nguyen Dinh Tien (2012). Opportunity costs associated with land use transitions in Vietnam. i-REDD+ report
3. Nguyen Dinh Tien and Le Thi Thanh Phuong (2011). Market potential for Biofuel Development in Vietnam. Project Report for the market part of the project “Energy crop production on severely degraded and polluted soils in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam” Vietnam Facility 2010.
4. Vu Thi Thao, Nguyen Thi Hai Ninh, Pham Thi Mai Huong, Nguyen Dinh Tien (2008). The challenges and potential of market chain of commercial products for the poor households in the upland areas. The paper were presented at Annual Scientific Meeting on Rural Change, March 10, 2008 at Hue University 2008.
5. Nguyen Thi Hai Ninh, Nguyen Dinh Tien and Pham Thanh Lan (2006). Market Potental and Marketing Channel of Herb Vegetable in Hanoi. Seeking Synergy between Urban Growth, Horticulture and Environment in Asian Metropolises – Final Scientific Report, November 2006.
5.3. Các đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học
1. Nguyen Dinh Tien (2009). Marketing Efficiency of the Soybean Industry in Ha Noi province, Vietnam. Master thesis at the University of the Philippines, Los Baños (UPLB). (Funded by FORD FOUNDATION)
2. Nguyen Dinh Tien (2016). Household Willingness to Participate in the REDD+ program and Its potential Impact on Poverty Reduction in Nghe An province, Vietnam. PhD Dissertation. University of the Philippines, Los Baños, the Philippines. (Funded by SEARCA)
6. Những thông tin khác về hoạt động NCKH
Project implementations (for recent years):
Designing M&E indicators to monitor and evaluate Payments for Forest Environmental Services implementation in Son La, Vietnam.
Time period: May 2017 to November 2017
Client: CIFOR
Position: Individual consultant
Impacts of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation + enhancement of forest carbon stocks (i-REDD+)
Time period: 2010 to 2014
Client: Danish Government
Position: Researcher
Investigating and evaluating the Biodiversity status; Action plan building for Biodiversity of Hai Duong province in period of 2011-2015 and the target to 2020
Time period: 2012-2013
Client: Hai Duong’s People Committee
Position: Researcher
Energy crop production on severely degraded and polluted soils in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam
Time period: 2010-2012
Donor: Vietnam Facility
Position: Researcher and Consultant
Coupled Natural-Human Systems and Emerging Infectious Diseases: Anthropogenic environment change and avian influenza in Vietnam
Time period: November 2009 – July 2012
Client: National Science Foundation - EWC, USA
Position: Project coordinator
Marketing of agricultural & forest products in the upland areas of Nghe An province, Vietnam
Time period: February 2007 – February 2008 (12 months)
Donor: Rockefeller Foundation
Position: Project leader
The challenges and potential of market chain of commercial products for the poor households in the upland areas, Vietnam
Time period: September 2006 – March 2007 (6 months)
Donor: Rockefeller Foundation
Position: Researcher
Market Potential and Marketing Channel of Herb Vegetable in Hanoi, Vietnam
Time period: April 2006 – April 2007 (1 year)
Donor: European Commission (within the Scientific cooperation project between Alterra, Wageningen University, the Netherlands and Hanoi University of Agriculture: SEARUSYN, Contract No. ICA4-2001-10206)
Position: Project researchers
Managing Pesticides in Vegetable Systems in Southeast Asia: Combining Environment and Trade (MAPET)
Time period: August 2005 – September 2005 (2 months)
Donor: European Commission (within the Scientific cooperation project between Alterra, Wageningen University, the Netherlands and Hanoi University of Agriculture: MAPET, Contract No. ICA4-2000-10247).
Position: Project researcher