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Company Visit for the students of the joint training program in Business Administration

Witnessing the professional, dynamic, and creative working environment at Lumi Company, the students from the joint training program between the UEB and the University of St. Francis and Troy University enjoyed the practical and beneficial company visits.

During the company visit, the students had the opportunity to meet directly with the HR specialists of one of the leading technology companies in Vietnam, Lumi Vietnam. The company visit to Lumi was "a day's journey brings a wealth of wisdom," to UEBers, broadening both their knowledge and future career perspectives.

Ms. Phạm Thị Hiền, representing Lumi's HR department, shared the company's development history

Unique Corporate Culture: Lumi Vietnam introduced its development history, mission, core values, and corporate culture 

Ms. Phạm Thị Hiền, representing Lumi's HR department, shared the company's development history from its early days to the present. She shared with the students about the company's organizational structure and Trade Marketing strategy, the company's mission, vision, and core. 

Lumi's representatives shared about outstanding achievements 

Nguyen Dieu Linh, a student from the VNU - University of Economics and Business, shared, "Today's sharing session impressed me the most when Lumi introduced its work culture, sharing and creativity culture, with many activities that promote good habits of employees such as monthly book review meetings. For me, the company culture and attention to employees' spiritual life will retain good personnel better than salary and benefits because I have experienced this during my internship at another company. UEB's teachers always remind us in our classes about the importance of prioritizing the development of Vietnamese enterprises. Learning about Lumi today made me very proud and also eager to have the opportunity to work here."

Students excitedly discussed with company's representatives

"Seeing and Hearing": The Trade Marketing Profession in the Smart Device Industry 

Following the practical session, after providing detailed recruitment information, Ms. Phạm Thị Hiền, HR specialist at Lumi, also shared the challenges and difficulties of each internship position. The students were were inspired, exchanging their work experience to receive advice from future employers. 

Students have an opportunity to shared their worries with employer

After the company visit, Nguyen Bich Ngoc, a student from BSBA at Troy University (BSBA Troy) shared, "Today's trip made me realize that going on practical visits is very beneficial for my major because I will work with the sales department to organize workshops and support the organization and supervision of product distributor launches. I was very impressed with today's practical visit. I have broadened my knowledge and personal vision."

Students shared their interesting experiences with instructors

Nguyen Thai Cuong, a student from BSBA at Troy University (BSBA Troy), excitedly shared, "This company visit has taught me essential skills in the Marketing field. I learned how to develop creative thinking abilities to create smart and interesting solutions for users. Discovering their interaction with customers and building intelligent Trade Marketing strategies helped me realize the importance of communication skills and customer relationship management. These insights will be a significant advantage in my future career."

"Seeing" the professional, youthful, dynamic working environment, and "hearing" sharing and experiences from senior employees, students from the VNU - UEB gained many interesting insights, and some had the opportunity to submit their resumes directly to the company representatives.

This is precisely the goal of the joint training BBA program, aiming to provide their students with opportunities to participate in many practical visits to Vietnamese and foreign enterprises, to understand the real needs of employers better, and to prepare for international integration in their future career paths.

VNU - University of Economics and Business "opens the gates" for Early University Admissions 2024: The Joint Training in Business Administration with specialized majors:

- Marketing

- International Business

- Finance

- Double Major in International Business & Supply Chain Management

- Management

- Supply Chain Management

- Data Analytics 

Register now at:  



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