Trang tin tức sự kiện

Mission - Vision

In alignment with its international training standards, the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing has been providing students with a modern educational environment, fostering their holistic development.

The undergraduate curriculum for the accounting program has been updated based on the Bachelor of Commerce framework from the University of Queensland, Australia, ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. Several new, highly practical subjects, which have never been taught at public universities in Vietnam (such as contemporary issues in accounting, internal auditing, and project auditing), have been incorporated into the curriculum. The reference materials include the latest international textbooks as well as domestic resources.

1. Mission:
Providing high-quality human resources with a professional orientation in accounting and auditing, meeting Vietnam's sustainable and efficient development needs: Training experts with practical knowledge and solid professional skills, ready to assume leadership roles in the industry. Conducting research and transferring results to the Government, organizations, businesses, and society: Promoting research activities and applying results to improve policies and enhance management efficiency. Creating a favorable environment for creativity and talent development: Building a positive learning environment, integrating international professional certifications, and supporting the comprehensive development of students and faculty in accounting and auditing and modern business administration.
2. Vision:
To become an application - oriented and leading Faculty in accounting and auditing, recognized by international universities and professional associations, accredited by reputable international higher education quality assurance organizations.
3. Core Value:
- Encouraging creativity, nurturing passion.
- Respecting differences, promoting cooperation.
- Valuing quality and efficiency.
- Ensuring harmony and sustainable development.
4. Strategic Plan:
(1) Increase enrollment scale associated with conditions to ensure training quality. The faculty aims to achieve annual increase the number of leaners 16% in scale by 2025.
(2) Develop and diversify the training programs in the Accounting Department. Convert all accounting training programs based on economic and technical norms. Focus on developing advanced training programs integrated with the latest technology to enhance the quality and relevance of education. Simultaneously, develop more interdisciplinary courses to provide a comprehensive education that meets the evolving needs of the industry.
(3) Submit Bachelor Accounting program for ACBSP for accreditation by 2025.
(4) Develop robust, application-oriented research activities in accounting and related fields by forming specialized research groups focused on accounting issue linked with sustainability, innovation, and technology. Promote interdisciplinary collaboration and provide necessary resources and training to enhance research capabilities.
(5) Enhance the research impact by increasing international publications and boosting the number of scientific products transferred by 30% in accounting and related issue.
(6) Strengthen partnerships and linkages with international universities’ accounting faculties, firms and professional association to improve the quality of training and research, and facilitate academic exchanges.
(7) Increase the proportion of full-time lecturers/instructors by 12% annually to achieve a more favorable full-time to part-time ratio.
(8) Integrate information technology in teaching, research, and management in accounting and related disciplines.
(9) Increase the rate of professional certification of faculty at least 20% of faculty are professionally certified.
(10) Increase the rate of professional engagement of faculty at least 70% of faculty are professionally engaged.

VNU - University of Economics and Business


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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Ngân hàng Việt Nam Thịnh Vượng (VPBank)
Tổng công ty Hàng không Việt Nam
Ngân hàng TMCP Đại chúng Việt Nam
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