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UEB's learners received Toshiba Scholarship

On 26th November, 2017, three excellent learners of VNU University of Economics and Business were honored to receive Toshiba scholarships of the first academic year 2017-2018. The ceremony was held by VNU and Toshiba Scholarship Foundation.

Attending the ceremony, there were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - Vice President of VNU, Mr. Kazuki Matsumoto - Department of Technology Planning, Toshiba Scholarship Foundation; Mr. Keitaro Shigenaka - General Director of Toshiba Software Development in Vietnam; Mr. Kazuo Kusakabe - Chief Representative of Asia Pacific Toshiba in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Especially, the ceremony was attended by 15 excellent graduate students receiving scholarship this time.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son speaks at the ceremony
Speaking at the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son expressed gratitude to the Toshiba Scholarship Foundation. The scholarships have given encouragement for learners of the VNU. In 10 years, VNU and Toshiba Scholarship Foundation have organized 13 scholarship programs and conferences, 230 graduate students have received the scholarships with a total value of about 20 million Japanese yen.

Representatives of the Foundation and VNU awarded scholarships to UEB’s learner - Phung The Vinh
This time, three learners of the UEB received Toshiba scholarships, including:
  • Phung The Vinh - Doctoral student class QH-2016-E Faculty of Business Administration
  • Trinh Hong Thai - Doctoral student class QH-2016-E Faculty of Business Administration
  • Hoang Trong Hoa - Doctoral student class QH-2016-E Faculty of Business Administration

Learner Hoang Trong Hoa gives speech at the ceremony
At the ceremony, Hoang Trong Hoa - Doctoral student from the UEB representing the scholarship receivers expressed gratitude for the support of Toshiba Scholarship Foundation and VNU. The scholarships not only provided great incentives but also essential financial support for VNU’s learners.
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Tu Thanh


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