Trang tin tức sự kiện

Seminar on Optimal tax of Prof. Kajii Atsushi

Prof. Kajii Atsushi explained about the model using in his study.
On 10th November 2009, the Vietnam Centre for Economic and Policy Research held the seminar “Constrained inefficiency and optimal taxation under uninsurable risks” with Prof. Kajii Atsushi - University of Kyoto, Japan at the conference room 801 - University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University.

Besides economic researchers, participants are students and lecturers from schools of economics e.g. University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, Hanoi; National Economics University; Banking Academy of Vietnam; etc.

In his study, Prof. Kajii Atsushi used general equilibrium model to develop the theory of optimal taxation under uninsurable risks.

After the presentation, Prof. Kajii Atsushi spent time to discuss and answer questions from participants.

Prof. Kajii Atsushi is now one of one of the top specialists in the world in General Equilibrium Theory and Game Theory.

>> Download the presentation of Prof. Kajii here

Nguyen Minh Nguyet (VEPR)


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