Trang tin tức sự kiện

Conference entitled “The Vietnamese economy in 2008: Decline and Challenges for renovation”

Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh presents the main contents of the Report
On 8th May 2009, the University of Economics and Business - VNU organized an annual conference entitled “The Vietnamese economy in 2008: Decline and Challenges for renovation”

On behalf of a group of authors, Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), University of Economics and Business, VNU summarized the main research results in the report.

The report entitled “The Vietnamese Economy in 2008: Decline and Challenges” consists of 8 chapters and 2 appendices with over 200 pages that were composed using relatively new approach. The information and figures used in the report are revised up to the end of December 2008. Some issues are updated to March 2009. The report mentions many issues relating to the macro-economy which Vietnam encountered in 2008. The report is part of a series of the Vietnamese Annual Economic Reports of the CEPR, the UEB - VNU. The Report summarizes the achievements and difficulties, opportunities and challenges of the Vietnamese economy, and discusses in particular and in depth some major economic issues.

The conference was organized to announce some research results as well as to offer an opportunity for researchers to receive comments and ideas and feedback from well-known experts, prestigious economists as well as to learn how to improve the annual report in the years to come.

 During the conference, it was noted that the report reflected the overall picture of the Vietnamese economy in 2008 through many phases, and the relatively new approach in using the intensive analysis methods and the up-to-date figures. The scientists and economists also indicated some shortcomings in an annual economic report. However, the report did not mention any pivotal issues related to macro-economy such as inflation, monetary policy, social welfare, and environment.. Some policies suggested in the report were indecisive and vague.

In general, some distinguished economists of Vietnam approved and appreciated the report. The announcement of the report was a big success for the group of authors and especially for the UEB - VNU. During the Conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr Pham Trong Quat - Deputy President of VNU affirmed in his speech: “The Report is an evidence of the right direction that the University of Economics and Business - VNU has been taking concerning its strategy of building strong research groups, of connecting intensive research activities with consultancy and policy recommendation to serve government agencies and enterprises”. Prof. Chu Hao also affirmed: “Intellectual Publish House will publish the Annual Economic Report after finishing the manuscript. The publisher will also sponsor publishing the Report in the future …”

The Report will be useful references for managers, policymakers, researchers as well as for those who are interested in macro-economic issues in Vietnam.

Tuan Hung - Quoc Viet


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