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UEB’s students to conquer the Global Leaders Challenge 2021

Recently, the “Green School Vietnam project” developed by the group of four students from the Faculty of Development Economics and Faculty of International Business and Economics has been chosen to compete in the Global Leaders Challenge 2021 (a Virtual Competition).

The competition was held by the Hemispheres Foundation in collaboration with the Singapore Tourism Department, aiming at connecting young student all over the world to discuss and propose initiatives and solutions to environmental protection. Accordingly, 150 international candidates will compete in the challenge (virtual) on June 7 or 10. A panel of judges will select 30 to come to Singapore to attend the Actions for Earth – Global Leaders Challenge.


The GreenSchool Vietnam developed by 4 UEB’s students (Le Ngoc Anh - QH 2017E KTPT, Truong Hoang Minh - QH 2017E KTPT, Nguyen Thu Ngan - QH 2017E KTPT, Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang- QH 2018E KTQT). It proposed a new learning method for students of all levels, which emphasized practical knowledge and skills.

The green education handbook
 Environmental Leaders games
The project team also develops accessible educational methods with products include a 7-day extracurricular program, a green education handbook and a set of Environmental Leaders games.
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

VNU University of Economics and Business


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