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Outstanding Faces of Business Administration Students from the University of St. Francis, USA, Receive Numerous Scholarships During Their Studies

The "scholarship paradise" of the University of Economics and Business - VNU and the University of St. Francis, USA, annually offers many Encouragement Scholarships (KKHT) to students of the BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) program from the University of St.Francis (Illinois, USA) (BBA USF). Receiving a scholarship is proof of the students' efforts in studying and also serves as encouragement and motivation for students throughout each semester. 

Based on academic performance and personal development scores, standout students from the BBA USF program - Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of St.Francis (Illinois, USA) have received valuable Encouragement Scholarships over many semesters. The Student Champion scholarship is awarded to leading students in each class with good academic achievements and active participation in activities organized by the School and Clubs. The next top students with good achievements receive the Excellent Students scholarship. Students with the most outstanding achievements in student activities development will receive the Student Leaders scholarship. 

Among them, a group of 4 students including: Cao The Vu - UEB-USF class K2A1; Nguyen Lan Phuong - UEB-USF class K1A1; Nguyen Thuy Trang - UEB-USF class K2A1 and Le Chau Anh - UEB-USF class K2A1 have received multiple Encouragement Scholarships during their studies. 

Cao The Vu - UEB-USF K2A1 student: “Keep trying, and you will soon achieve the results you hope for!” 

Meeting and talking with The Vu, he shared that he was initially torn between studying abroad and pursuing the International Business Administration program at the University of Economics and Business - VNU (UEB-VNU). Eventually, he and his family decided to choose the Business Administration program of the University of St. Francis as a place to entrust his future because he could study close to his family while still having the opportunity to transfer to the USA. Moreover, one of the factors that motivated The Vu to apply for the BBA USF program was that the program could provide comprehensive knowledge from economics to management. Thanks to his relentless effort, right from his freshman year, The Vu has excellently won the Student Champion scholarship for two consecutive semesters, Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, with a perfect GPA of 4.0.

Cao The Vu - UEB-USF K2A1 student shared the “tips” to receive many scholarships

The Vu shared his secret: “Achieving a GPA of 4.0 is indeed not easy, and my secret is not being afraid to seek help from both teachers and friends around. The university environment is not a place where you can easily succeed by working independently. Therefore, receiving enthusiastic support from teachers as well as having an ideal study group is a solid stepping stone for me to achieve such grades. After finishing the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters with relatively stable grades and receiving some good personal development points through seminars and workshops at school, I was quite confident that I would win a KKHT scholarship this semester. However, when I received the results, I was also very surprised and happy to win the Student Champion scholarship. This is also the 2nd consecutive time I have won this scholarship and I am quite proud of that.” 

Nguyen Lan Phuong - UEB-USF K1A1 student: “If you make a mistake, don’t step back and doubt yourself, recognize the error and confidently move forward!” 

Determination, discipline, and building an effective study plan are the criteria that Nguyen Lan Phuong pursued during her time studying the joint training program in Business Administration between the University of St. Francis and VNU-UEB. Phuong also felt fortunate to receive many pieces of advice from friends and seniors, as well as timely and enthusiastic support from teachers. 

Lan Phuong believes that having friends to accompany during student time is a blessing

She was extremely proud: “After knowing I received the scholarship, I felt very happy and proud of myself for trying my best in the past semesters. I always fear losing knowledge and not keeping up with others, so no matter how tired or unmotivated I feel, I try to go to class, listen to lectures, and take complete notes. Additionally, practicing is very important, I usually do exercises at the end of the chapter after class to review the knowledge. Especially, I have a group of friends who accompany me on the learning journey, we can comfortably explain lessons to each other.” 

However, there was a time when Phuong felt discouraged because she feared her efforts would not yield results, but when she successfully won a scholarship, Lan Phuong felt grateful for not giving up and persevering to the end. Finally, Phuong wants to convey to the 2K6 students that: “I have also made mistakes and doubted myself, don’t rush to step back and doubt yourself, recognize the error and confidently move forward!” 

“The teachers are the ones who 'inspire' me!” - Nguyen Thuy Trang - UEB-USF K2A1 student shares 

For Nguyen Thuy Trang - UEB-USF K2A1 student, who received the Student Champion scholarship in Fall 2021 and the Excellent Student scholarship in Spring 2023, besides her own effort and perseverance in studying, she shares that teachers have supported her a lot in the learning process. “The teachers of the International Business Administration program are very enthusiastic and very close to the students. The program is entirely in English, so teachers always try to make it easy for students to absorb the lessons. Almost all of my learning concerns were thoroughly answered by the teachers. Students can contact teachers through many different methods and always receive quick feedback from them. Besides academic issues, my scholarship application process also received a lot of support from teachers in the Office of Politics and Student Affairs, who explained my inquiries very clearly, making my application process much easier.” 

Thanks to her efforts, Thuy Trang received the Student Champion scholarship for the Fall 2021 semester and the Excellent Student scholarship for the Spring 2023 semester

Gold medal in hand, confidently "winning" scholarships - Le Chau Anh - UEB-USF K2A1 student 

For the 2nd-year student, Le Chau Anh - UEB-USF K2A1, who won the Excellent Student scholarship in Fall 2022 and the Student Leaders in Spring 2023. Thanks to participating in the Women's Football Tournament organized by Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) and winning the Gold Medal in team category along with good academic results, Chau Anh did not hesitate to apply for the Student Leaders scholarship. When receiving the results, Chau Anh was very surprised: “When I received the gold medal in the 2023 VNU Women's Football Tournament, I was quite confident that I would win the Student Leaders scholarship this semester. However, when I received the results, I was still surprised and proud of the achievements I had made. For me, participating in extracurricular activities should consider the strengths and weaknesses of each person. Extracurricular activities during student life are also a great opportunity for students to meet, connect with talented individuals with common goals and interests.” 

Chau Anh feels extremely proud to receive the Student Leaders scholarship

With many types of scholarships from the University of Economics and Business - VNU and the University of St. Francis awarded, students of the BBA USF (Bachelor of Business Administration) program from the University of St.Francis (Illinois, USA) will have more motivation to study harder, be more active in enhancing, practicing soft skills, and actively participate in union activities to together create strength for the UEB student community to develop further!

If 2K6 also wants to join the "scholarship hunt," register now for the International Business Administration program today! 

Register here.

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