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UEB students to take part in workshop with students from Oklahoma University, the US

Not only "famous" for international exchange activities, the VNU-UEB is also a reliable destination chosen by many international universities send their students for study tour. After completing many study tour for students from universities in the US, Australia, Sri Lanka, Japan... UEB continues to welcome a delegation of students and lecturers from the University of Oklahoma (USA).

“The important thing for education is direct, visible participation, not just words” - Scientist Martin Rees. The University of Economics and Business always aims for the training motto "real learning - practice - practical work", helping students to be both trained at school and trained at businesses with many practical learning programs. diverse economy. Not only that, UEB always creates opportunities for students to study in an international environment, gain practical experience, improve soft skills, and exchange studies with students and lecturers from prestigious universities. domestically and internationally. This helps students easily integrate into the international learning environment, and also motivates teachers to bring their accumulated enthusiasm and experience to convey to students new and updated knowledge of the world.

UEBer's feelings when participating in soft skills workshops with foreign universities

On January 9, 2024, the University of Economics and Business welcomed a delegation of nearly 30 students and lecturers from the University of Oklahoma (USA). Dr. Nguyen Duc Lam - Director of the Institute of Skills Education and Creative Intelligence (ISECI), Head of the Office of Research and Partnership Development, expressed his joy, welcomed the delegation to the VNU-UEB and shared the program for the delegation to have a good time. Useful, meaningful and interesting experiences.

Dr. Nguyen Duc Lam - Director of the Institute of Skills Education and Creative Intelligence (ISECI), Head of Scientific Research and Development Department shared at the workshop
Dr. Margaret Shaffter - Lecturer at the University of Oklahoma (OU) - Study tour leader (left) shares the reason for choosing UEB as the destination on the Study tour

The international class of UEB and OU students was "heated up" by the energetic lecture from Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Chi Anh - Lecturer, Director of the Center for Business Administration Research with the topic "Business practices and environment in Vietnam”.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Chi Anh - Lecturer, Director of the Center for Business Administration Research shares with Oklahoma students the topic "Business practices and environment in Vietnam"

The lecture delivered with diverse aspects and information associated with practical business activities in Vietnam, in order to provide more in-depth knowledge about: how Vietnam's geographical advantages affect the economy and economy. Vietnam's economy has developed rapidly after the Covid-19 pandemic, import-export business activities, tourism…

OU students focused on listening to the content shared by Mr. Chi Anh

 “I was really impressed and excited with the lecture "Business practices and environment in Vietnam", his presentation helped me understand more about the potential of industries in Vietnam, as well as learn more knowledge. about agriculture and business in this country" - Jacob Dyke - Student of the University of Oklahoma MBA program shared after the class.

Jacob Dyke - Student of the University of Oklahoma MBA program shared after the class
Students listened attentively to the teachers' lectures to acquire useful knowledge for themselves
This is a good opportunity for UEB students to learn, chat with international students and lecturers, improve foreign language skills, promote creative thinking, and demonstrate their abilities and intelligence
International students are extremely dynamic and talented when expressing their opinions, thoughts, as well as knowledge about the economy and culture of Vietnam and America
MBA students - Oklahoma University presented their opinion about economy of Vietnam - USA

Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

UEB Media


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