Trang tin tức sự kiện

UEB “Career Festival” 2010

Career Festival brings many employment opportunities for students
On 28th April 2010, nearly 2000 students of Vietnam National University, Hanoi and other universities in Hanoi participated in "Career Festival" held by Center for Students Service, University of Economics and Business - VNU.

Attending to the festival were also Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Anh Tai, UEB Vice Rector and representatives from participating enterprises.

Festival organizers informed that the "Career Festival" received the positive respond from nearly 10 enterprises, organizations that have the need of high-qualified human resource. This also attracted many students of administrative, economics, finance, technology and foreign language of VNU and other universities in Cau Giay District. Many experienced advisors and vocational specialists from enterprises attended to the festival with students’ enthusiastic participation.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Anh Tai, UEB Vice Rector opens the Career Festival

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran AnhTai stated that, "Career Festival" plays an important role to students and to universities as well. The contact and informing between enterprises and students brings them the self-confidence when living on their own. As regards to universities, this is a practical lecture for the students on their majors.

“Although not too many enterprises participated in the program, they have the real need of recruitment. I think the festival was quite practical and helpful to senior students like me”, Kim Thoa, a student of Vietnam Commercial University informed.

 “The most challenging thing for fresh graduates is about their experience” said Mr. Nguyen Dinh Thanh, Sales Manager of North area, Alphanam Corp. “Every where they comes, they received the question. Many enterprises don’t share their issues with the students and are unaware that they wouldn’t get what they need”. Mr. Thanh also informed that the festival is to create an opportunity for students to understand Alphanam’s recruitment positions of.

Talking about the Career Festival, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran AnhTai expected that thousands of participating students would find their opportunity, or at least draw a lesson for further development. UEB organizers also expressed their gratitude to its alumni, enterprises who have supported the students. Hope that there will be more similar festival at University of Economics and Business - VNU.

Students are self-confident in front of the employers.

Manh Tuan


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