Trang tin tức sự kiện

425 newly admitted students entered the University of Economics and Business - VNU

On 7th September 2009, according to the statistic figure of the Training Department, there were 425 new students admitted to the UEB - VNU present on the first day of school. Vice Rector Dr. Tran Anh Tai directly instructed and conducted the admission activity.

Being considerately prepared, the new student admission ran smoothly with warm reception by the willing and experienced UEB staffs. In addition to the simplification of admission procedures the reception-committee provided helpful information about dormitory, accommodation, extra-curricular activities, scholarship and overseas study… in order to help students’ families understand all matters from study programs to room and board arrangements.

Especially for this year, the Youth Union - Students Association and Center for Student Services of the UEB have operated on-site volunteer service to guide freshman students regarding admission process and accommodation. Help with accommodation search for new students has been going on for a month, and until now, there have been over 100 boarding-houses near the UEB for students from other provinces. This activity has received high compliments from students’ families.

New students eagerly enter the UEB - VNU

Studying thoroughly registration information is necessary to new students

The welcoming activity is conducted in orderly, promptly and smoothly manners.

UEB voluntary students give t newcomers instruction regarding accommodation.

Tuan Hung - Luu Mai - Pham Thuy


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