Trang tin tức sự kiện

Two UEB lecturers receive the academic title of Associate Professor

Nguyen Dinh Phi (UEB lecturer) receives the certificate at the ceremony
On 24th December 2012, at Temple of Literature - Hanoi, the State Committee of Professor Title has announced and granted the certificate for 42 qualified professors and 427 associated professors in 2012.

The VNU-UEB had two qualified lecturers for the title of associate professor, namely Nguyen Manh Tuan - Lecturer of Faculty of Business Administration cum Head of Academic Affairs Office and Nguyen Dinh Phi - Lecturer of Faculty of Business Administration.
At the ceremony, Prof.Dr.Sc Tran Van Nhung - General Secrectary of the Committee informed that the number of lecturers awarded the title of professor and associate professor in 2012 was higher than the last year. The granted scientists have devoted notable contributions to the education and training. In particular, the titles of professor and associate professor have been granted for those who are at younger age and increasing qualification.
Prof. Tran Van Nhung said that in recent years, the criteria for the recognition of academic titles are increasingly higher in terms of requirements of foreign language requirements, scientific works… The inspection of the granting academic titles in 2012 has been taken seriously, based on the existing procedures and legislation. Members of Committee of Professor Title at all levels had to work with a high sense of responsibility to ensure the objectivity, fairness and quality.


Colleagues congratulate the new Associate Professors.

Thanh Huyen - Minh Anh


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