In the last period, VNU University of Economics and Business has been determined to continue its direction towards quality and international standard. As the year 2011 is closing, we would like to have an overview of 15 spotlights of the university, which has been selected by UEB staff in the last year.
1. Number of students of honor training program and strategic training program increases
Until July 2011, number of students of honor and strategic training programs made up 6% of total number (increasing 62% as compared to the last year); number of postgraduate students is 21%; regular program students made up 26% of total figure while in-service students number down to 5% as regarding the last year. This shows that the university tends to the high quality and international standard training, persisting in pursuing its strategic goal and development direction of the VNU.
2. Number of articles published on international journal increases
In academic year 2010 - 2011, there have been 14 research papers published on international journals, made up 45% compared to the last year, that exceeded the planned target of 33%. This result has proved the research capacity of UEB staff and demonstrated that research quality of the university is gradually approaching to the world’s.
3. Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2011 published in Vietnam and English
Entitled “The economy at a crossroad”, Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2011 referred to the major issues that Vietnam’s economy is encountering when entering a new decade, especially in the complicated context of the world’s economy associated with macroeconomic instability in the country. After three years releasing, Vietnam Annual Economic Report by the Vietnam Center for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR), VNU University of Economics and Business has actually become a reference of the many economic agencies and organizations. The achievement once again confirmed the prestige of the University in applied research which can provide policy consultancy.
4. High result of students’ research
The two students’ researches: “Creative industry in Vietnam - Situation and solution” (by Bui Khac Linh, QH-2006-E KTCT) and “Models for an early warning system for Financial Crises and application into predicting crises in Vietnam’s economy in 2011-2016” (by a team of Development Economics and Political Economics students) have received one Ministry level first prize and VNU level first prize. This has shown that UEB students’ research has been appreciated and reaffirmed the right direction of the university, which sets the research as a base for training activities.
5. Investing in facilities and infrastructure
As approved by VNU leader, in 2011, the UEB has implemented 2 construction projects, which added 730m2 to working area, increasing 30% of using area for the university. This partly meets the increasing requirement of the development of the university, especially while the new campus in Hoa Lac is still in the construction phase.
1. Entrance score of UEB reached the highest level in the count
2011 is the second consecutive year, the matriculation score of VNU - UEB ranks in top leading economics universities group. This once again confirms the prestige of the university, which has been recognized by the society, especially among learners.
2. Successfully organized the launching conference of Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2011
Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, Author-in-chief of Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2011
On 17th May 2011, VNU University of Economics and Business, Department for International Development and Vietnam Center for Economic & Policy Research have co-organized the launching conference of Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2011. The event has drawn remarkable attention of many governmental officials and policy makers as well as representatives of theoretical research institutes in Vietnam and abroad.
3. Successfully organized international workshop “Banking Restructuring - International Experience and Policy Implications for Vietnam”
On 21st December 2011, VNU University of
Economics and Business, National Financial Supervisory Committee and Deposit Insurance of Vietnam have co-organized the International Workshop: Banking Restructuring - International Experience and Policy Implications for Vietnam .In the economic restructuring context of Vietnam (with three key points which are public investment restructuring, corporation restructuring and banking system restructuring) to develop in the direction quality, efficiency and sustainability, this event has attracted the public attention and policy makers’ interest. Event is expected to promote further study and comprehensive discussion on restructuring Vietnam’s banking system, contributing to the theoretical framework proposing policy recommendations in order to successfully implement the restructuring process of the banking system in Vietnam.
4. Opening new master training program major in Technology Management and Corporation Development
On 16th November 2011, Vietnam National University President has formally issued a decision which approved the master training degree in Technology Management and Corporation Development. Accordingly, the program is planned to enroll students in the academic year 2012 - 2013. Graduates of the program have the ability to manage and deal with the innovation and technological creativity in enterprises. On that basis, the learners can start up a business in technology or contribute to innovating new products and services to continuously improve the enterprise competitiveness. Involving in the program are specialists who are trained in a professional and modern training system. This event has opened up new training directions of the UEB, it is also consistent with the trend of the world and meets the needs of Vietnam, especially in the process of restructuring the business and economy.
5. UEB's lecturers titled as the youngest Associate Professor of Economics of Vietnam
Dr. Dang Duc Son (left) - the youngest lecturer of economics who is conferred Associate Professor in 2011
On 12th November 2011, the State Council for Professor Title has conferred Associate Professor Title on two UEB lecturers (Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh and Dr. Dang Duc Son). Especially, Dr. Dang Duc Son, lecturer in Finance - Banking, is titled as the youngest associate professor in Vietnam. This event not only confirms the potential and quality of the UEB staff but also is the incentive for young lecturers of the university for further efforts.
6. UEB is assigned with State and international research projects

At the lauching ceremony of project “Building Female Entrepreneurial Skills for SMEs in ASEAN Countries”
In 2011, VNU University of Economics and Business, the University of Sydney (Australia) and the University of Battambang (Cambodia) jointly organized a launching ceremony for a project to build female entrepreneurial skills for SMEs in ASEAN countries sponsored by AUSAIDS. This is a valuable opportunity for its staff and faculty members to meet and exchange with colleagues in the international research network to improve the quality of training and scientific research, actively contributing to eco-social development of Vietnam.
7. Graduation of MPPM intake 2, which is assigned to train key managers and officials
Dr. Sven Erick Svard confers the diploma to the new master
On 14th December 2011, VNU University of Economics and Business has organized the graduation ceremony of Master Program in Public Management which jointly trained by VNU - UEB and Uppsala University (Sweden). Master Program in Public Management jointly trained with Uppsala University which has a longstanding tradition of over 500 years, holding 62nd rank in top 100 world’s leading universities, is a priority training program. On that reputation, MPPM intake 2 has been selected to train the managers and officials for local authorities within the Program 165 of Central Organization Committee. The program has received the enthusiastic support of many agencies and organizations of Sweden and Vietnam, including the Embassy of Sweden, SIPU International and Vietnam National University. The initial success of the program has proven that the VNU - University of Economics and Business is on the path to provide high quality human resources for society. It also affirms the prestige of international joint training programs implemented at the university.
8. Successfully organizing Bao Son Prize Award Ceremony 2010
Assoc. Nguyen Hong Son confers the Certificate to the research team
On 14th December 2011, the VNU University of Economics and Business has cooperated with Bao Son Group to hold Bao Son Prize Award Ceremony 2010. The Bao Son Prize was awarded for the first time in 2011, based on the quality of the applicants, the Organization Committee decided to examine and select the Bao Son Prize winner in the field of sustainable development. VNU University of Economics and Business is the permanent operation agency of the award for 2010 - 2015 period. This event has proved the prestige and the role of UEB in the socialization of science - technology and to effectively promote the partnership between institutes and businesses.
9. Successfully piloting the postgraduate enrollment by competency assessment method
In the postgraduate entrance examination of in 2011, the VNU - UEB has successfully
piloted the competency assessment method and initially received positive feedback from participants. Competency assessment method overcomes the limitations of the ordinary examination method and meets the requirements of training as well as the admission quality. This testing method has been popular at many universities around the world. The event was the initial successful implementation of a major policy by VNU which enhances the quality of admitted students and is consistent with higher education trend in the world.
10. Consolidating the UEB’s Board of Management for 2011-2016 tenure
VNU President - Prof. Mai Trong Nhuan confers the appointment decision for UEB Rector , 15/3/2011
On 10th January 2011, Minister of Education and Training has appointed Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son to the position of VNU - UEB Rector for the tenure 2011 to 2016. As soon as receiving the appointment decision to the post of UEB Rector, the Management Board has rapidly consolidated its staff and managers. This event has the remarkable importance to the development of the university in the new stage toward quality, efficiency and international standard.