Trang tin tức sự kiện

Contributing ideas for the development of UEB

The seminar “Contribute ideas for the development of University of Economics and Business - VNU” was held on 21st September 2010.

Prof. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Vice Rector chaired the seminar with the participation of over 30 young Ph.Ds (mostly graduated abroad) who are UEB staffs and faculties.

Participants have come together to exchange information and contribute ideas to develop the university around three main issues: improving the quality of comprehensive training, promoting research and attracting financial resources. Since the establishment of UEB, under the prior policy for talents, the university has attracted 27 doctors, 6 associate professors come to work, most of whom have graduated from prestigious universities around the world.

Together with UEB officials and teachers, these new doctors would be a powerful resource to promote the development of the university. The seminar has demonstrated that UEB faculty are concerned about the development of the university and stand ready to contribute to the university.

To conclude at the seminar, Prof. Nguyen Hong Son has stressed: all the suggested ideas would be synthesized and verified to respond to UEB offices and faculties to seek appropriate measures for a further development of the university.
Following the seminar, University of Economics and Business will host other intensive talks aimed at mobilizing the power of intelligence in the construction and development of the university.

Tuan - Yen - Anh


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