Trang tin tức sự kiện

Adapting CDIO Approach in Developing Learning Outcomes for Economics and Business Disciplines in Vietnam: A Case Study of the UEB

Internal meeting of CDIO Executive Team
This paper shows how we adapt the CDIO approach (at the first step) in developing learning outcomes or syllabus at the 3rd level of detail, at the conceptual stage, for economics for- foreign-affairs discipline at University of Economics and Business – Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

Our practice demonstrates that the approach can be reasonably adapted for other disciplines like economics and business although our conceptual framework of the learning outcomes should be validated in the next steps. The paper also compares the CDIO-based and the existing learning outcomes of our training programmes to assess the pre-eminence of the CDIO approach. In the end the paper also discusses the importance of the CDIO approach as one of the models in solving higher education quality issue in Vietnam.
Click here to download the full paper.



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