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Diploma Awarding Ceremony, intake 3 of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) training program cooperated with Troy University

On 26th September 2009, the UEB - VNU solemnly celebrated the diploma awarding ceremony for the students of intake 3 of BBA training program cooperated between the UEB and Troy University (U.S.A).

Attending to the ceremony were Dr. Ed Roach - Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration, Dr. Earl Ingram - Vice Chancellor, Dr. Phillip E. Lyon - Director of International Programs from Troy University; on the side of the UEB there were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - Vice Rector, MA. Pham Anh Tuan - Deputy Director of Center of International Training & Education as well as UEB's staffs and lecturers. Many students of the intakes and their relatives also attended to the ceremony.
After processing of study and practicing, 9 students who were in the intake 3 of  BBA training program cooperated between the UEB and Troy University were recognized and awarded the diploma this course.
At the Ceremony, the leaders of Troy University and the UEB gave their congratulations to the new bachelor. Dr. Ed Roach - Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration of Troy University emphasized, “There have been more than 122.000 students who graduates from Troy University, and today you join this rank. As an alumna of Troy University, I hope that you keep in touch with us. Please send us emails or letters and let us know how you are doing. I believe that all the best things are waiting for you”.

Dr. Phillip E. Lyon - Director of International Programs of Troy University address at the ceremony.

Representatives of Troy University award the diploma for intake 3 students of BBA training program.

Thu Thuy - Duy Ni


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