Trang tin tức sự kiện

Opening a supplemented class “Improve effective management skills”

On 1st December 2007, in coordination with ATA - Lifecoach Co., Ltd (Thailand), University of Economics and Business - VNU organized an opening ceremony for a supplemented class “Improve effective management skills” . The course has lasted until 9th December 2007.

In the inauguration speech, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha - Rector of UEB, emphasized on the aims of this supplemented class and wished managerial cadres of UEB would study seriously for gaining effective management skills.

This supplemented class is created the first time for UEB’s managerial cadres with the aims of helping learners systematize necessary management knowledge and effectively improve management skills. After finishing the course, learners are granted certificates which UEB will consider as one of criteria for assessing and nominating cadres. The Board of Management of UEB pays much attention to the improvement of managerial cadres ability, in order to organize an effectively managerial machinery, making contribution to constructing UEB as one of Vietnamese leading colleges, as well as prestigious universities in the region and the world as a whole in economics, business administration and management, as UEB has proposed.

After this class, UEB will continue to implement methods of strengthening effective working skills for its cadres and officials.

On the first day of the course, learners participated with much enthusiasm. That was a good signal for the success of this supplemented class.

Mai Anh


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