Trang tin tức sự kiện

Scholarship granting ceremony for Economic Expertise and International Project Management students

On 15th December 2007, University of Economics and Business held a ceremony to grant scholarships for 4 excellent students of Economic Expertise and International Project Management joint training program - Intake 1.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Laurent Grosclaude, Director of PUF Hanoi; Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Hong Son, Vice - Rector of UEB; participants from Cooperation and Development Department, Planning - Finance Department and students who were received scholarship.

Among total 4 scholarships, 2 scholarships which worth 1875 USD (equivalent to 30 million VND, also 75% school fees) were granted to Doan Hai Chau and Kieu Thi Nam Phuong; 2 others which worth 10 million VND were handed to Do Thi Duc Hanh and Doan Thu Thuy.  

This was the first time that the scholarships were granted in the framework of the joint training program between University of Economics and Business - VNU and Paris XII University (France). The scholarship aims at promoting and encouraging the studying of students joining this program.

Addressing at the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Hong Son and Mr. Laurent Grosclaude showed the desire of more cooperation in other joint training programs. Both of them expect that the next courses would more successful and achieve higher results.

On behalf of all scholarships receivers, Kieu Thi Phuong Nam delivered a speech to thank all leaders from UEB and PUF Hanoi for having cooperated in this Economic Expertise and International Project Management joint training program and at the same time expressed the hope that UEB would continue to organize more international joint training programs to help Vietnamese students access to advanced learning methods and programs of developed countries in the world.

Thanh Binh


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