Trang tin tức sự kiện

UEB’s Teachers’ Day Festival

From 17th to 20th November 2007, the University of Economics and Business held Teachers’ Day Festival with many lively and warming activities.

At all academic faculties, the ceremonies were solemnly organized with the presence of representatives from the Board of Management, functional departments, teachers and students of UEB of all time. On this occasion, Deans of academic faculties granted Excellent Labour Group Certificates, VNU’s Emulation Combatant Certificates and UEB’s Emulation Combatant Certificates in the academic year 2006-2007 for their faculties and members.

UEB’s Youth Union Executive Committee also arranged many activities to express their deepest gratitude to all teachers, particularly, the competition “Gifts for The Guiders” should be mentioned. Students sent hundred of lovely and special hand-made congratulations cards to their beloved teachers. Moreover, Youth Branchesorganized their own activities to greet Vietnamese Teachers’ Day, such as: singing, role-playing, or competing in studying and gaining good results in the coming ending-term examinations.

On this great day, representatives from the Board of Management also visited and expressed the gratefulness to former teachers and Deans of Faculty of Economics  who greatly contributed to the construction and development of UEB today.

Minh Huong


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