This is an affirmation of the representatives of the two universities' leaders during the working trip and attending the International Conference in January 2020 (CIFBA2020) of the delegation of Sungkyunkwan University of Korea (SKKU) at the University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, Hanoi (UEB).
2019, the Faculty of Finance and Banking worked with SKK Graduate School of
Global Insurance and Pension (GSGIP-SKKU) on flamework of cooperation
activities, such as student and teacher exchange programs. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tu Tran Thi
Thanh, Dean of Faculty of Finance and Banking has taught online course of
finance market to SKKU's Master student in September of 2019.
the same time, a lecturer of the Faculty of Finance and Banking in UEB was
invited to SKKU to attend a training course on Insurance and Pension through a
teacher exchange program. In SKKU, the lecturer participated in training
courses on Insurance and Pension with graduate students, PhD candidate of SKKU
and also joined in professional seminars, meetings and research with experts in
the field of insurance. This is an opportunity for her to access in-depth and
practical knowledge of insurance and pension in developed countries, which is
the as seen as an important step to set up a new program of high-quality
bachelor's degree in Insurance - Pension and Investment in UEB.

lecturer of Faculty of Finance & Banking (2nd from the left) during an
exchange trip at SungKyunkwan University, Korea
following cooperation activities were implemented by prof. Hong-Joo Jung and
his colleagues in January 2020 when they attended international conference
CIFBA 2020 organized by UEB. Prof. Hong-Joo Jung took part in the
conference as a chairperson of a parallel session on Insurance Penson and
Investment. In this session, experts in Korea and Vietnam presented research
results on key issues of Insurance and Pension in Vietnam and Korea. After the
session, prof. Jung highly appreciated the professional quality as well as the
professionalism of the conference and invited the faculty members to
participate in the Insurance and Pension training program at SKKU annually,
which this opened the association to organize international conferences between
SKKU and UEB next year.

lecturer of Finance - Banking Department (1st from the left) in the Training Program
on Financial Development at SungKyunkwan University, Korea
the two leading universities of the two countries have started to implement
cooperative activities since 2019, focusing on scientific research and
training, they have found a lot of common voices on development orientation.
Thereby, the cooperation is more and more durable and generates new ideas for
cooperation, in line with the common strategy of the two universities:
Internationalizing education, promoting exchanges, scientific research, and
realization. Internships - the practicality of faculty, and students.
the future, the UEB and SKKU are expected to contribute greatly to the good
cooperation in the education of the two countries Korea - Vietnam.
was founded in 1398 during the Joseon Dynasty in Korea as the highest national
educational institute. For more than 600 years of establishment, the school
operates with tradition based on four basic principles: Mercy, justice,
righteousness and wisdom.
to JoongAng Daily rankings, SKKU is the most comprehensive university in Korea.
The school has maintained this position for 3 consecutive years: From 2012 to
2014. Besides, the school also holds relatively high positions on prestigious
university rankings around the world. Specifically, in 2015 - 2016, the school
stood at No. 118 on the QS rankings and No. 153 according to THE rating.
According to the latest assessment, SKKU currently has 23 branches in the top
100 in the world according to the ranking of disciplines, of which 3 are in the
top 50