Trang tin tức sự kiện


1. Financial market News

VN-Index rebounds to cross 900 point threshold

The VN-Index climbed 0.77 percent to 900.95 points Friday, its highest point in the last two weeks. Sentiment seemed overwhelmingly positive this session when the benchmark index immediately shot up three points within the first 30 minutes of trading, and kept edging up gradually until it closed 6.91 above its opening of 894.04. Analysts believe investor sentiment is being supported by Vietnam’s stabilizing Covid-19 situation, with no new intra-community infections reported in the last 15 days. The Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HoSE), on which the VN-Index is based, was a sea of green on Friday with 245 tickers rising and 148 tickers losing. Total trading volume rose marginally over the previous session, to VND6.66 trillion ($288.84 million), far above last month’s average trading of VND5 trillion per session. The VN30-Index for a basket of the HoSE’s 30 largest capped stocks surged 1.13 percent, with 25 tickers gaining and only one losing.

Detailed information here.

2. Banking news

The Vietnam Report honours top 10 most prestigious banks in 2020

On September 15, 2020, Vietnam Report, in collaboration with Vietnamnet newspaper, officially announced the Top 10 prestigious companies in critical industries, including the banking industry. Accordingly, since Q2/2020, Vietnam Report had officially announced the ranking of Top 10 prestigious companies in Real Estate; Construction; Building Materials; Banking; Insurance; Technology and Listing. This result was based on independent research and evaluation of the Vietnam Report, published on the mass media.

Detail information here.

3. International finance News

The next wave of the global recovery could send commodity prices soaring

The next phase of the economic recovery is likely to be driven by commodity-intensive infrastructure investment, analysts have told CNBC, potentially setting the stage for further gains across the industrial space in the coming months.

Detailed information here.



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Công ty CP XNK Bình Tây (BITEX) Công ty CP Đầu tư IMG Ngân hàng TMCP Quân Đội (MB) Ngân hàng TMCP Đầu tư và PTVN (BIDV) Viện kế toán Công chứng Anh và xứ Wales
Ngân hàng Việt Nam Thịnh Vượng (VPBank)
Tổng công ty Hàng không Việt Nam
Ngân hàng TMCP Đại chúng Việt Nam
Tập đoàn Tân Á Đại Thành