Trang tin tức sự kiện

Nguyen Truc Le

1. Personal details:

Full name:

Nguyen Truc Le
Year of birth:

Rector of the UEB-VNU,

Lecturer, Faculty of Political Economics, VNU-UEB
Academic title: Associate Professor

English, Polish


(84-24) 3754 7506

Address office

144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi

2. Education:
  • 1995-2000: Master of Economics, University of Gdansk, Poland.
  • 2001-2006: Doctor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Kingston University, London, United Kingdom.
  • 2007 to now: Post graduate research - Doctor of Science of Economics, Kingston University, London - United Kingdom (
3. Employment/Experience:
3.1 Experience
  • 9/2017 up to now: Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business, Lecturer of Faculty of Political Economics, VNU-UEB.
  • 12/2013 - 9/2017: Vice Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business, Lecturer of Faculty of Political Economics, VNU-UEB.
  • 2012 - now: Associate Dean, Faculty of Political Economics, VNU-UEB, Lecturer of Economics Management.
  • 2011: Branch Bank Director, strategic advisor for banks in Hanoi.
  • 2010: Expert Advisors, KPMG Audit International Group
  • 2009: Guest lecturer for MBA program, VNU-UEB.
  • 2009: Deputy General Director of Business and Finance,Institute of shipping Science and Technology, Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Corporation
  • 2008 - 2009: Director of Strategic Management, VINASHIN Container Company, Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.
  • 2007 - 2008: Director of Business Development and 2nd Director of Investment, INB Investments Joint Stock Company.
  • 2006 - 2007: Director of Business Strategy Development and Director Division of Personnel Department, London Sea Product Distribution Corporation, London, United Kingdom.
  • 2001 - 2006: Lecturer, Kingston University, London, United Kingdom.
  • 1998 - 1999: Worked for the Poland State Bank, Division of Credit , BIG Bank Joint Stock Commercial Bank (Deutsche Bank), Division of Credit, Poland.

3.2. Graduate education supervision:

  • Number of master:  01
4. Research domain:
  • Strategic Management
  • Making and implement business plan
  • Making system of KPIs effectiveness evaluate
  • Skill in making and implementing work plans
  • Skills in monitoring, inspection and work evaluation
  • Bank branch management
  • Managing quality service and motivated staff
  • Marketing Strategy
5. Publications:
5.1. Books:
  1. The export propensity of Polish SMEs, Author, Kingston upon Thames, 2006.

5.2. Articles, working papers (published on journals of science, yearbooks or conferences’ reports)

  1. Nguyen Truc Le, Ghatak, Subrata and Daly, Vincent. “The export propensity of Polish SMEs”, Prace Naukowe: Katedry Ekonomii I Zarzadzania Przedsiebiorstwem, 6, pp. 223-236. ISSN (print) 1644-499X, 2007
  2. Nguyen Truc Le,“Not want to export trends of small and medium sized enterprises in Gdansk, Poland – Practical application”, Journal of Science 2007 – Kingston University, London, United Kingdom, 2007
  3. Dinh Xuan Cuong, Nguyen Truc Le, “Restructure weak banks: corrective actions and consolidate measures”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, No.387, 2013
  4. Nguyen Truc Le, Nguyen Duc Lam, “Vietnam tourism development - green and sustainable lessons from Thailand”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, No.392, 2013
  5. Nguyen Truc Le, “Restructuring business experience from Korea Samsung Corporation”,Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, No.395, 2013
  6. Nguyen Truc Le, “Development experience of Exxon Mobil Corporation”, Economic and forecasts magazine, No.541, 2013
  7. Nguyen Truc Le,“Trends in green development and sustainable tourism - Recommendations for Vietnam tourism” Economic and forecasts magazine, No.542, 2013
  8. Nguyen Truc Le, “Necessary of IT application according to enterprise architecture models to increase competitive capacity of Vietnam shipbuilding industry”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, No.403, 2013
  9. Nguyen Truc Le, Dinh Xuan Cuong, “Analysis of changes in capital market”,Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, No.406, 2013
  10. Truc Le Nguyen, Huong Vu Van, Lam Duc Nguyen & Tuyen Quang Tran (2017) Does rising import competition harm Vietnam’s local firm employment of the 2000s?, Economic Research, Vol 30, Iss1, pp 1882-1895, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2017.1392883. ISI[SSCI], IF= 1,14 (2017). Taylor & Francis Journals,

5.3. Research project:

  1. Assessment of operations of small and medium sized enterprises in Poland in terms of foreign trade transactions”, 2002.
  2. Assessment of growth and existence of small and medium sized enterprises in Britain and Poland”, 2004.
  3. Developmental assessment of small and medium sized enterprises in Gdansk - Poland”, 2005.
  4. Motivations of not want to export trends of small and medium sized enterprises in Poland”, 2005.
  5. Exporting trends of small and medium sized enterprises in Poland”, 2006

6. Other activities

  • Editorial Board of Polish Journal of Management Studies ( Scopus)


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