Trang tin tức sự kiện

Nguyen Manh Tuan

1. Personal details:

Full name:

Nguyen Manh Tuan


Year of birth:



Vice rector of UEB


Doctor of Economics (2005)

Lecturer of School of Business Administration, UEB-VNU


English, Russian



(84-24) 3754 7506 Ext. 304


0913 306 776


144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi

2. Education:


  • 2012: Academic Rank - Associate Professor.
  • 2005: Doctor of Economics, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration.
  • 1995: Master of Political Economy, University of Social Science and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
  • 1985: B.A of Political Economy, Vietnam National University.


3. Working experience:


  • 10/2017 to now: Vice Rector, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University.
  • 10/2014 - 2017: Lecturer, Deputy Director of Inspection and Legislation Office, Vietnam National University.
  • 2008-2014: Lecturer, Director of Training, Deputy Secretary of Management Bloc, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University.
  • 4/2007 - 2009: Lecturer, Director of Training, Secretary of Management Bloc, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University.
  • 6/2005 - 3/2007: Lecturer, Director of Training and Science Management, Faculty of Economics, Vietnam National University.
  • 10/2000 - 6/2005: Lecturer, Deputy Director of Training and Science Research, Secretary of Office Bloc, Faculty of Economics, Vietnam National University.
  • 1996 - 1999: Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, University of Social Science and Humanities.
  • 5/1991 - 9/1995: Lecturer, Deputy Secretary of Ho Chi Mình Communist Youth Union, Vietnam National University.
  • 1988-1990: Lecturer, Academic Assistant, Secretary of Association; School of Political Economy, Vietnam National University.
  • 1987-1988: Lecturer, Academic Assistant; Member of the Executive Committee of Association, School of Political Economy, Vietnam National University.
  • 1986 - 1987: Lecturer, Academic Assistant; School of Political Economy, Vietnam National University.


Graduate supervision:


  • Number of masters: 45
  • Number of postgraduates: 2


4. Publications:

Textbooks, training materials, and monographs:

1. Textbook: Marketing principles, co-author, Hanoi Publishing House, 2005

2. Reference book: Current policy of agricultural land in Vietnam, National Political Publishing House, 2007

3. Reference book: Current policy of agricultural land in China, National Political Publishing House, 2010

4. Reference book: Strategic Management, National Political Publishing House, 2015


1. 4.0 Agricultural Revolution, challenges and suggestions for Trade Bank in Vietnam, Bank Magazine, 2019.

2. Correlative study between the work crisis and work effectiveness of employees of office bloc invested foreign in Hanoi, Journal of Indian and Asian Study, 2017.

3. Development of agricultural commodities in Vietnam in current period: problems and solutions, Journal of Science: Economic – Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2004.

4. Situation of State management on agricultural land in Vietnam and recommendations, Journal of World’s Economic Issues, 2001.

5. Measures to develop economic collaboration and cooperatives in Vietnam in new contexts, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2004.

6. Foreign capitals in Vietnam. Situations and policy recommendations, Review of World Economic Issues, 2001.

7. Some opinions on agricultural and rural development added to the political report draft in the Communist Party Congress 9th session, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2001.

5. Research projects:

5.1. Completed:

1. Improvement of competitive ability in the rubber sector of Vietnam in international economic integration, manager, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2010-2011.

2. Policy of agricultural land in China and lessons for Vietnam, manager, Vietnam National University, Hanoi level, 2008- 2009.

3. Development of pilot research team in Faculty of Economics – Vietnam National University, Hanoi, manager, Vietnam National University, Hanoi level, 2007-2008.

4. The role of State for development of commodity agriculture in Vietnam, manager, Vietnam National University, Hanoi level, 2006- 2007.

5. Vietnam’s policy of agricultural land in innovation period: situations and problems, manager, Vietnam National University, Hanoi level, 2004- 2005.

6. Co-operative economics and cooperatives of Vietnam, Vietnam National University, Hanoi level, 2002-2003.

7. Collaborative economy and cooperatives in Vietnam, Vietnam National University, Hanoi level, manager, 2002- 2003. Some issues of markets in business production, University of Economics and Business’s level, manager, 1994- 1995.

8. Renovation in agricultural management in Vietnam, member, University of Economics and Business level, 1992- 1993.


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