Trang tin tức sự kiện

The Faculty of Finance and Banking

Mission The mission of the Faculty of Finance and Banking is to provide high quality human resources for domestically and international banking and insurances sectors, corporations as well as other Social – Economic organizations. The Faculty’s students are capable of doing business administration tasks, researching, and demonstrating professional competence in Finance – Banking area. Vision


The Faculty of Finance - Banking is a scientific organization which has very high reputation in the field of Finance - Banking in researching and applying practices. The Faculty aims at receiving, propagating, researching and developing  Science - Technology application achievements in Finance - Banking area. The purposes of the Faculty are

To build the Faculty to meet requirements for typical national level unit of University of Economics and Business, VNU, to have reputation in the field of education, scientific research and to provide international connections and consultancy of Finance - Banking scientific applications;

To  become a  top - ranking institution in reputation in the field of Finance - Banking in Vietnam, to meet the accredited standards of education.

To build teaching staff and managers to have high expertise and researching capacity to meet international standards;

To ensure facilities and modern equipment to serve all activities of the Faculty and to have training programs catching up with the trend of the development of advanced education in the world;

To become the center of scientific research, international cooperation with finance and banking researching systems having a close relation  with training activities and to have the ability to solve theoretical and practical problems of the economy in general and of the Finance - Banking area in particular;

To have high competitiveness in the theoretical and practical quality of scientific products meeting requirements for global education integration, to implement training and scientific research activities in the field of economic applications focusing on Finance - Banking sector;

This is the fundament for the mission, orientations for all activities to achieve the vision and behavioral culture of the Faculty of Finance - Banking in the future. The basic values ​​are follow:

Students are the center of all activities.

High profession, quality and efficiency in all training, scientific researching and international cooperation activities.

Commitment to encourage diversity, creativity and fairness in the Faculty staff and lecturers.

Teaching and learning environment is modern, flexible and scientific meeting the practical demands of industrial and professional training.

Building up research capacity for lecturers and  creating an environment of international scientific research in the Faculty.

Developing relations among Faculties and units  within the University, domestic and international social - economics organizations as well as universities through researching activities.

Attracting and bidding various scientific researching cooperative projects internationally and locally.

Transferring research results to organizations and corporations.

Contributing to innovative training programs based on domestic and international scientific research results.

Attracting social resources for scientific research work and contribute to the budget of the Faculty and the University.

The objective of international cooperation activities in the near future of the Faculty is to build and develop cooperative relationships. The Faculty continue actively to expand cooperation with other domestic and international institutions and organizations, diversify the types of cooperation and multilateral partners to further promote international cooperation in the spirit of supporting training and scientific research activities, facilitate the development of international cooperation.

The Faculty intents to strengthen connections on University-level and implement cooperation agreements with universities in Europe such as France, UK, Canada, USA, Australia etc. about training of Finance - Banking. The diploma provided by those international cooperation programs  will improve quality of education and international cooperation in all aspects. Besides, the international cooperation can enlist maximum support of organizations and agencies abroad to assist developing training and scientific research activities  of the Faculty and the University.

The Faculty is focused on the construction and the development of highly qualified scientific staff for international cooperation activities, in order to implement international cooperation in terms of mutually beneficial conditions for the development of recent international cooperation.

The Faculty continues to send lecturers, managers for abroad learning, teaching and researching, while inviting international specialists come to the Faculty for teaching and researching to provide teaching staff of the Faculty the opportunity to access and catch up scientific and technical standards of the region and the world.

The Faculty intends to fully take advantage of the international cooperation in order to expand "distant learning" activities for students and Faculty members.

The Faculty also effectively works with our partners such as DIV, MB, BIDV, VNDIRECT, PVI, AI Capital in training activities and scientific research applications. Besides the Faculty continues to search and develop new partners to attract a large number of scientists, professional specialists to improve the quality of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programs.

The Faculty considers to develop policies for sustainable development cooperation in the exploitation of training programs of high quality - high fees.



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Công ty CP XNK Bình Tây (BITEX) Công ty CP Đầu tư IMG Ngân hàng TMCP Quân Đội (MB) Ngân hàng TMCP Đầu tư và PTVN (BIDV) Viện kế toán Công chứng Anh và xứ Wales
Ngân hàng Việt Nam Thịnh Vượng (VPBank)
Tổng công ty Hàng không Việt Nam
Ngân hàng TMCP Đại chúng Việt Nam
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