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Call for paper “Financing for innovation, entrepreneurship and renewable energy development” international conference

Call for paper

“Financing for innovation, entrepreneurship and renewable energy development”

International conference

Hanoi, 16 – 17th August 2017




The organizers welcome academics and practitioners with an interest in areas relating to the main theme “Financing for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Renewable Energy Development” to attend the conference co-hosted by University of Economics and Business – Vietnam National University and Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, and supported by VNU Scientists Club. The conference will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam on 16-17th August, 2017.



Financing for innovation, entrepreneurship and renewable energy development (FIERED) plays an important role in socio-economic development in Vietnam. The purpose of this conference is to provide an international forum to facilitate the discussions and knowledge exchange among academics and practitioners, including researchers, corporate managers, entrepreneurs, bankers, and policy makers. The conference is also expected to be a place where academics and practitioners from abroad and local institutions to share the best practices and research findings in areas of financing for innovation, entrepreneurship and renewable energy development. As a presenter, the conference offers an opportunity to share your research with the audience coming from both public and private sectors, and from international and local institutions. The estimated number of participants is around 100.

PhD students or early career researchers are encouraged to attend. This conference offers a great opportunity to get feedback from experienced academics and practitioners.



  • Innovations and Entrepreneurship.
  • Finance – Banking, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.Socially Responsible Investing and Financing.
  • Renewable Energy financing issues.
  • The role of policy makers to Green Finance – Banking, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
  • The role of policy makers with Renewable Energy and Financing.
  • Aspects of financing on renewable and sustainable energy.



Individuals with specific expertise and interest related to the above topics are invited to submit their papers. All papers will be peer-reviewed and selected papers are offered the following:

  • An oral or poster presentation slot in the conference program.
  • Published in the conference proceedings by University of Economics and Business.
  • Best papers are invited to submit an extended version for the VNU Scientific Journal.
  • It is anticipated that the paper submission will be sent to the Scientific Committee of University of Economics and Business.

The normal deadline for submission of papers will be no later than 30thJune 2017 with the acceptance decisions sent by 15th July 2017.



  • Registration open: 5th May 2017
  • Deadline for the papers: 30th June 2017
  • Deadline for the registration: 30th July, 2017
  • Registration fees will be US $150, with a discount offered to PhD students at US$ 100.
  • Early – bird registration (before 30 June 2017) fees will be US$ 100Conference fees will cover participation in conference sessions, a welcoming reception, tea-break and lunch.



·          For questions about submission contact: 

*      Ms. Truong ThiHoaiTho

Mobile: (+84) 919 323 448

*      Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu

Mobile: (+84) 987 909 637


·          For questions about FIERED 2017 contact:

*      Assoc. Prof. Tran Thi Thanh Tu


Detailed information concerning conference organization including registration fees, accommodation, social events etc, will be soon available on the web page of the University: http://



  • Professor David Charles, Director of Research, Deputy Head of College, Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, UK;
  • Associate Professor Nguyen Hong Son, Rector, University of Economics and Business, VNU, Vietnam;
  • Associate Professor Tran Thi Thanh Tu, Dean, Faculty of Finance and Banking, University of Economics and Business, VNU, Vietnam.

Faculty of Finance and Banking


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