Trang tin tức sự kiện
Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman
Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Truc Le

Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman


Year of birth: 1976

Doctor degree

Academic title: Associate Professor

Foreign languages: English, Polish


Phone: (84-24) 37547506

Researchgate/Google Scholar


Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Truc Le currently serves as a Member of the Party Committee of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Chairman of VNU - University of Economics and Business’ Board. He is an Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Economics. He previously taught at Kingston University London, United Kingdom (2001-2006). Before officially working in the education sector, he gained several years of experience in strategic management consulting and finance, such as: Business Development Director at Kimson Seafood Distribution Group, United Kingdom (2006-2007); Commercial Development Director of INB Investment Corporation, Hanoi (2007-2008); Advisor cum Business Director of LD Container - TGC Company, Hai Duong (2008-2009); Deputy General Director in charge of business and finance at the Shipbuilding Technical Corporation - Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group (2009-2011); Branch Director in Hanoi - Westernbank (now PVcombank) (2011). He also regularly participates in training sessions for government ministries, Hanoi Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security, credit institutions, and large state-owned enterprises such as VNAirline, PVPower, BIDV, VietcomBank… Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Truc Le currently serves as a Member of the Party Committee of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Chairman of VNU - University of Economics and Business’ Board. He is an Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Economics. He previously taught at Kingston University London, United Kingdom (2001-2006). Before officially working in the education sector, he gained several years of experience in strategic management consulting and finance, such as: Business Development Director at Kimson Seafood Distribution Group, United Kingdom (2006-2007); Commercial Development Director of INB Investment Corporation, Hanoi (2007-2008); Advisor cum Business Director of LD Container - TGC Company, Hai Duong (2008-2009); Deputy General Director in charge of business and finance at the Shipbuilding Technical Corporation - Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group (2009-2011); Branch Director in Hanoi - Westernbank (now PVcombank) (2011). He also regularly participates in training sessions for government ministries, Hanoi Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security, credit institutions, and large state-owned enterprises such as VNAirline, PVPower, BIDV, VietcomBank…


Master of Economics majoring in Foreign Trade, Gdansk University - Poland (1995-2000);

Doctor of Economics, School of Economics, Kingston University, London - United Kingdom (2001-2006).


Research, teach, and train for State-owned Corporations and Businesses;

Consulting on management, Strategy, Policy systems and Restructuring;

Economic management, Economic security.


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