Trang tin tức sự kiện

Conference “Assessment of Vietnam economic situation in 2008 and development viewpoint in 2009”

On 24th December 2008, the Conference “Assessment of Vietnam economic situation in 2008 and development viewpoint in 2009” has held at University of Economics and Business - VNU with coordination of Program KX.01.

This conference was considered as a gathering of senior leading economic researchers in Vietnam such as Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vo Dai Luoc, Dr. Dinh Van An, Dr. Vu Quoc Huy, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Bo Linh and other vast experienced researchers and teachers represented for University of Economics and Business - VNU, University of Foreign Trade, Banking Academy of Vietnam, Vietnam Institute of American Studies, Institute of World Economics and Politics.

Goal are desire of the conference and as idea of Dr. Tran Du Lich to be debate, discussion to propose ideas and even script to cope up with economic affairs of Vietnam in 2009 based on status of researchers in the context of contribution of UEB and Program KX.01.

There were 4 speeches presented at the conference and many debated ideas, namely: 1) whether global financial crisis leading to a global economic crisis or only to be separate recession occurred in some countries, how is world economic situation in 2009? 2) affect of world economic situation to Vietnam. 3) Discuss about demand stimulation package of Vietnam, where to stimulate and how? 4) Effort to prevent economic recession.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son delivered a speech to open the conference


Dr.Tran Du Lich was at the conference


State Bank of Vietnam deputy governor Nguyen Toan Thang at the conference

Le Thi Ai Lam Photo by Pham Nguyen - Viet An


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