Trang tin tức sự kiện

A seminar on sustainable poverty reduction

On June 13rd 2014, a research team of VNU-UEB has held a seminar to discuss about the National Target Programme (NTP) on sustainable poverty reduction in the Northwest area in Vietnam.

The seminar was chaired by the research program manager Dr. Nguyen Quoc Viet. Mr. Ngo Truong Thi - Director of Administration Office of NTP on sustainable poverty reduction (Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs).
At the seminar, Mr. Ngo Truong Thi talked about his experience in poverty reduction program. He said, the documents of the poverty reduction program are provided sufficiently. Studying on poverty reduction included two elements, namely poverty reduction policy and poverty reduction programme. Particularly, 63% of the total sources are devoted for policymaking and 37% for the program implementation (building infrastructure and facilities and investing in people’s livehood).
Accordingly, Mr. Thi showed some existing issues in the process of program implementing, especially the overlap and inconsistencies of different items. Firstly, poverty reduction policies are issued by more than one ministry or agency. Besides, there is gap between the policy and people’s need, while the shortage of human resource caused overworking for those who run the program. In addition, Mr. Thi also pointed out some inconsistencies in the Northwest policy to discuss about the solutions.

Mr. Ngo Truong Thi (right) talks at the seminar

Afterward, the scientists and researchers have made additional comments, some of which emphasized the role of enterprises in the implementation of national target programme for poverty reduction.
The seminar closed after more than two hours. On behalf of the project manager, Dr. Nguyen Quoc Viet thanked to experts, lecturers and scientists, and expressed his wish to receive their helpful cooperation during implementing the project.

Thuy Duong - Thuy Dzung


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Ngân hàng TMCP Đại chúng Việt Nam
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