Trang tin tức sự kiện

Prof. Adele Atkinsons

Prof. Adele Atkinsons is the expert in financial literacy/capability and financial inclusion at University of Birmingham, UK.

A recognized expert in financial literacy/capability and financial inclusion with over 20 years of varied experience in universities and policy environments and a passion for empowering financial consumers globally through financial education and related policies. Academically rigorous, whilst also practical and achievement focused, she has managed numerous high-value projects, multi-disciplinary teams and external contracts; won external funding from a variety of sources and managed diplomatically sensitive situations. She is skilled at designing and implementing research, communicating to a wide range of audiences and providing tailored advice to policy makers, working with a network of over 120 countries. Research and policy interests include: financial consumers, financial well-being, ageing and retirement, vulnerability, fintech and digital assets, innovation in education and social policy.

Trường Đại học Kinh tế - ĐHQGHN


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