Trang tin tức sự kiện

Opening ceremony of joint BA training course, profession 2 in 2008

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Trong Quat - Deputy Director of VNU
On 2nd December 2008, University of Economics and Business (UEB) - Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) and College of Foreign Language (CFL) - Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) have coordinated to hold opening ceremony of the first course of coordination training program between two college.

After the representatives from University of Economics and Business and College of Language declare decision of successful candidates of training course profession 2 at level Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of language , Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Trong Quat - Deputy Director of VNU has delivered his speech to congratulate on 274 first students participating in coordination program between two college.

In this course, including 74 students of UEB will be trained English translation/interpretation at CFL and also including 200 student of CFL are trained one of professions: Business Administration, International Economics, Finance - Banking at UEB.

The opening ceremony is a new milestone of coordination training from UEB and CFL in particularly and VNU in general. Coordination between two leading prestige colleges in economics, language will surely create “special training product” with competitive advantage, meeting the increasing demands of society based on making the best of advantage of two colleges. Deploying method of coordination training program between two colleges will open new and sound toward in improving training quality, contributing in general development of VNU. 

Nguyen Tuan Hung


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