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The UEB implements internal quality assessment

The assessment teams work with UEB’s offices, faculties and centers
In order to improve the effectiveness of ISO 9001:2008 quality management system, the UEB’s ISO Committee has conducted the internal quality assessment within offices, faculties and centers of the university on 27 and 28 February 2014.

The assessment group consisted of three teams, who conducted the assessments in all UEB’s faculties, offices and three centers (the Center for Higher Educational Quality Assurance, the Center for Student Services and the Center for Economic and Management Information System).
After the assessment, the group highly appreciated the concern which the UEB’s faculties, offices and centers had paid to the quality assurance. Most of the UEB’s offices have been effectively improved the inconsistencies in accordance with the proposal after the last internal quality assessment. However, there were still several points required to adjust, which have been discussed further at the assessment closing ceremony taken place on 11 March, managed by Vice Rector Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Anh Tai.
To follow the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system and prepare for the external quality assessment in the upcoming April, the UEB’s offices, faculties and centers were expected to improve their activities in accordance with the recommendations.

Phung The Vinh - Thuy Dung


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