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VNU Journal of Economics and Business receives ISSNs and becomes a VJOL member

Inheriting the achievements of its predecessor, VNU Journal of Economics and Business has gradually met the international standards and practices of a scientific journal. Particularly, it has an OJS website, gives DOI numbers to its published papers, and links to Google Scholar and V-CitationGate websites. 

Inheriting the achievements of its predecessor, VNU Journal of Economics and Business has gradually met the international standards and practices of a scientific journal. Particularly, it has an OJS website, gives DOI numbers to its published papers, and links to Google Scholar and V-CitationGate websites. The published papers are undergone blinded peer review, ensuring the punctuality of the publications with a formatting and editorial procedure meeting the Asean Citation Index criteria. Moreover, the Editorial Board gathers 30 members who are prestigious scholars from universities, research institutes, or government consulting agencies at home and abroad.

Having published the first two issues, the Journal was granted international standard serial numbers (ISSNs) by the National Agency for Science and Technology Information according to Decision No. 31/TTKHCN-ISSN dated September 28, 2021, as follows: 

  • VNU Journal of Economic and Business (Vietnamese version): ISSN 2734-9845 
  • VNU Journal of Economics and Business (English version): ISSN 2734-9853 
  • VNU Journal of Economics and Business (online): e-ISSN 2734-9861 

The ISSN is an internationally recognized serial number for serial publications that identifies the title of a publication. With its ISSN and e-ISSN, the VNU Journal of Economics and Business has been officially recognized and introduced globally. 

On October 29, 2021, the VNU Journal of Economic and Business officially became a member of the Vietnam Journals Online (VJOL) which is a database allowing readers to access scientific knowledge published in Vietnam and improve the world's understanding of Vietnamese academia. The VJOL membership provides opportunities for the Journal to increase its presence and influence among domestic and international readers, and at the same time accelerate its digital transformation through the VJOL platform. The journal introduces the contents, abstracts, and full texts of published issues at for research and education purposes. 

The Journal is committed to developing towards internationalization to become a quality publication.


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