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Signing ceremony on talent scholarship agreement with In Sewa Ltd.

On 29th March 2012, In Sewa Ltd., a humanitarian and social organization of Singapore has officialized the agreement on talent scholarship with VNU University of Economics and Business through a signing ceremony.

UEB Rector - Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son and Dr. Rikhi Thakral - the founder of In Sewa Ltd. have signed in the agreement as representatives of the two parties.
Present and witnessing the signing ceremony were authorized representative of In Sewa Ltd. in Vietnam - Dr. Luu Van Thanh, General Director of Luu Hung Phat Vietnam Joint Stock Company and leaders of Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of International Business & Economics, Research & Partnership Development Office together with students of BBA international standard training program.

In Sewa Ltd.
is registered charity which is founded by Dr. Rikhi Thakral and managed by Thakral Family.Total value of scholarship is USD15,000, which is divided into 3 portions, each portion is worth USD5,000  in words: Five Thousand US Dollar for one student for four academic years (2012 - 2016). Number of scholars could be increased additionally, depending on result of promotion by the Sponsor during performance of this Agreement. The Selection Council of UEB shall decide award of additional mobilized scholarship amount. Luu Hung Phat Vietnam JSC shall assign two representatives to take part in the Selection Council. The Selection Council is chaired by representative of the UEB and makes decision by the agreement principle.
The purpose of this scholarship program is to support and encourage talent students of Program of international standards (strategic mission) for Business Administration for academic years 2012 - 2016 of the UEB.

At the signing ceremony, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son has expressed his gratitude to In Sewa, whose attention and cultivation in talents have contributed to the positive development of the society. The founder of In Sewa, Dr. Rikhi Thakral and UEB Rector have also expressed their expection and encouragement to the attending students. They shared their own lessons in leaderships, in the desire that the students would deserve the award to become key elements, contributing to the development of the country in the future.

Therefore, the agreement signing ceremony has not only marked the first successful cooperation between three parties: the VNU University of Economics and Business, In Sewa Ltd., And Luu Hung Phat Vietnam JSC., but the event also proved a reputation for high training quality of UEB, as well as its spread, which has attracted the attention and investment of domestic and foreign institutions, agencies.

Dr. Rikhi Thakral friendly talks to UEB students. 

The sponsor, the recipient of scholarship and other witness parties at the signing ceremony.

Dzung Le - Photos: Do Chiem


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