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UEB Rector worked with Hanns Seidel Foundation representatives

On his visit to the VNU University of Economics and Business on 13th January 2012, the Representatives of Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF), including Dr. Axel Neubert and Ms. Susanne Haastert had a meeting to exchange cooperation opportunities in the upcoming year.

Worked with HSF representatives was Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son - Rector of the VNU University of Economics and Business and Dr. Nguyen Quoc Viet - Director of Research and Partnership Development Office.
Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF), a socio-political organization of the Federal Republic of Germany is operating in 62 countries worldwide. In Vietnam, HSF has been opened since 1990 and implemented various cooperative activities with the Government Office, Ministries and Universities to develop environmental projects and advanced training of labor sources.
Further discuss on the project “Building Female Entrepreneurial Skills for SMEs in ASEAN Countries” which is being implemented by University of Economics and Business, Hanns Seidel Foundation Representatives invited leaders of the UEB to attend the international conference on leadership skills of women in Myanmar organized by the HSF in next February. Hanns Seidel Foundation wishes to develop similar project for women in Myanmar and hopes to get the support from the UEB- the executing agency of the project. In response to the invitation of Dr. Axel Neubert, Prof. Nguyen Hong Son are available to attend the workshop and share their experience in organizing and implementing project.
In 2012, UEB is going to co-organize an international workshop on the topic “Commerce, Economic Development and Environmental Issues” with the participation of several universities and organizations from Germany such as HSF, DAAD... The workshop is expected to emphasize the importance of the interaction between economy and environment when developing a sustainable green economy, Dr. Nguyen Quoc Viet hopes the experience of German institutions in limiting the harmful effects of the "red economy" and promote the development of a "green economy" will be helpful ideas to contribute to the success of the workshop. Dr. Axel Neubert is supportive and willing to coordinate with the UEB in planning and organizing the workshop in the near future.

Bich Ha


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