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Experience exchange seminar between UEB - VNU and UEL - VNUH

Leaders and staffs of two universities at the seminar.
In the morning of 10 August 2011, University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, Hanoi (UEB - VNU) has solemnly welcomed the delegation from University of Economics and Law - Vietnam National University, Hochiminh City (UEL - VNUH) and organized a seminar to discuss on university autonomy.

Attending to the seminar, UEB has Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son - Rector, Vice Rectors and leaders of functional offices and faculties of the university. The delegation of UEL - VNUH were 15 chief staffs and faculty members led by Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung - Vice Rector.

As in the intention to discuss and exchange experience in double degree training, organization and designing of specialized research programs, the high quality scientific research projects (international journals)...; exchange of experience on training program assessment under the AUN-QA criteria. Two universities also discussed on common research direction, proposed mechanism and plans to cooperate on training, scientific research, faculty and students exchange.

In the intimate atmosphere, Management Boards and staffs of the two universities have briefly introduced and shared initial feelings and expectations of cooperation, exchanging of expertise and solutions to improve higher revenues, developing cooperation between the faculties and strengthening a tight friendship between the two universities, which have many similarities.

Concluding at the seminar, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son, UEB Rector and Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung - UEL Vice Rector have shared the common affirmation: “It is essential to have an experience exchanging of university autonomy between two units, which need to be remained and further developed”. In the near future, University of Economics and Business - VNU is studying more thoroughly about the designing and organization of Practical Mathematics and Statistics branch which is a useful tool in economic research. In addition, UEB will consult the experience in operating a virtual stock market of UEL to establish the Center for Practical Finance. The two universities also discussed on experience in double degree training, designing special research program; organizing priority research programs; experience in organizing student research; building and implementing assessment programs under AUN-QA standard. Leaders of two universities have committed to seek the resources to jointly organize conferences, academic workshops to share experience and solutions to enhance resources.

On behalf of the delegation of University of Economics and Law, Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung has expressed his deep gratitude and warm feeling of respectful greeting at UEB.

Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector welcomes the delegation from University of Economics and Law - VNUH

Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung - UEL Vice Rector sends his gratitude, responding to the friendly welcome of UEB leaders and staffs.


UEB leaders and key staffs report on training, research and training program assessment under AUN - QA standards.


UEL staffs particularly interest in these reports to discuss on common research directions and propose the implementation cooperation activities.

Leaders of two universities exchange souvenirs with the intellectual products, works and scientific publications.

Xuan Le - Photos: Thuy Dung


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