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University of Economics and Business signed an agreement on bilingual MBA joint training program with Benedictine University

Within the visit and meeting between Leaders of University of Economics and Business - VNU (UEB) and Benedictine University (USA), a co-operation agreement on Bilingual MBA training program has been signed between the two colleges on 23rd October 2008.

The signing ceremony was joined with representatives from UEB such as Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - Vice Rector of UEB and MBA Mr. Nguyen Quoc Viet from Department of Co-operation and Development, and representatives from Benedictine with Professor William J. Carroll - Rector, MBA.Mr. Donal Taylor - Vice Rector as well as many other lecturers.

In the meeting, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Nguyen Hong Son and MBA.Mr. Donal Taylor signed on an agreement with the witness of representatives of the two colleges.

According to the agreement, Benedictine shall provide training textbooks, document and reference books of 8 subjects taught by lecturers of Benedictine. UEB shall take care of document and reference books of 8 subjects taught by Vietnamese lectures, and those books shall be also sent to Benedictine University for reference and consultancy.

The signing of the co-operation agreement between UEB and Benedictine University is a new affirmative step in developing the co-operation with prestige universities in the world in order to facilitate students of UEB to approach advanced training programs and to get more studying opportunities. This is also a new approach in realizing the diversification and internationalization policy for training programs of UEB.

Nguyen Quoc Viet


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