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Meeting with representatives of Rotterdam Business School

On 24th July 2015, representatives of the VNU University of Economics and Business (UEB) had a meeting with representatives of Rotterdam Business School, Netherlands.

Attending the meeting, from the UEB, there were Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector, MA. Hoang Thi Bao Thoa - Director of the Center for International Training and Education; Dr. Le Trung Thanh - Head of Office of Research and Partnership Development; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Viet Khoi, Faculty of International Business and Economics. From Rotterdam Business School, there were Mr. Floor Pennings and Ms. Marius van Rouveroy from the Office of International Relations.

Opening the meeting, Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu briefly introduced the VNU University of Economics and Business, providing information about faculties, students, training programs, research project as well as development goals of the university. Dr. Thu also shared information about international cooperation activities and joint training programs taking place at the UEB.

After that, Mr. Floor Pennings introduced Rotterdam Business School to leaders of the UEB, presenting its training programs and development orientation focusing on international cooperation activities. He expressed the desire to cooperate with the UEB in the fields of joint training programs and faculty/student exchange.

At the meeting, both sides exchanged information and discussed the possibilities for building cooperation programs, especially the masters training program in logistics and supply chain management.

Representatives of both universities took a shot at the meeting

Ending the meeting, the two sides agreed to continue further exchange of information in order to build a plan of implementation in the near future.

Rotterdam Business University established in 1990, located in the dynamic city of Rotterdam. The University offers Master, Bachelor and preparation courses in English. The university’s students are from more than 40 countries around the world, creating an international environment for cultural and academic exchange.

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Thanh Tu


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