Trang tin tức sự kiện

Cooperation with Military Bank

On 5th December, 2014, at the Headquarter of the Military Bank of Vietnam (MB), representatives of MB's leaders had a working meeting with representatives of Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Economics and Business to discuss cooperation opportunities.

The meeting is under the project framework on "Enhancing capacity of corporate governance for leaders in banks" funded by World Bank and Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and implemented by the UEB.

To be present at the meeting, from MB, there were Mr Le Hai, Deputy General Director and leaders of MB's offices. From Faculty of Finance and Banking, there were Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Tu, Associate Dean in charge of the Faculty, leader of project consulting group and other project members.

Opening the meeting, Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Tu briefly introduced the project together with its objectives, contents and expected outcomes as well as reasons for choosing MB as the first unit to implement the consulting activities of the project. Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Tu also provided in detail the part 2 of the project including training activities, capacity improvement of corporate governance for leaders in banks through online training, video conference and offline courses with attendance of domestic and international experts. Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Tu expressed her hope that MB could let its leaders participate in the training activities in the part 2 of the project.

On behalf of consulting group, Dr. Dinh Xuan Cuong presented the part 3 of the project, namely consulting activities for leaders in banks on enhancing corporate governance capacities. For MB, Dr. Dinh Xuan Cuong made it clear that the project implementation would bring many practical benefits for MB and at the same time, suggested some contents which the project might support MB.

At the meeting, representative of MB, Mr Le Hai shared his opinions that, during the establishment and development, MB always paid much attention to corporate governance which was considered as the key factor to ensure the sustainable development in the bank. Therefore, the project objectives were consistent with the goals and development strategy of MB and MB committed to closely coordinate with the project as well as UEB in the upcoming time.

On behalf of the project consulting group, Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Tu expressed her sincere thanks to MB's leaders on the cooperation activities between the two parties previously and desired that the two sides would continue to effectively cooperate in the Project "Enhancing capacity of corporate governance for leaders in banks"

>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Kha Nguyen


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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