Trang tin tức sự kiện

Accumulate pre-credits for UEB's master students and take the chance to graduate early

Instead of taking a long time to get a master's degree, now, students of the VNU University of Economics and Business (VNU-UEB) can earn the degree after more than 1 year thanks to pre-credit learning. This helps students quickly expand career opportunities and advance their jobs in the digital age that requires speed, ability and sharp thinking.

In order to accumulate pre-credits of the Master's program, students of the VNU University of Economics and Business need to have a cumulative GPA of 2.5/4.0 at the time of registration. Students are allowed to register for cumulative study up to 15 credits of the Master's training program. In addition, students are recognized for subjects with grades from 5.5/10 or higher and valid for 5 years.
>>> Click here for more information.

UEB Media


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