Trang tin tức sự kiện

Vol 34 No 1


Nguyen Cam Nhung, Vu Thanh Huong, Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong, The World and the Vietnamese Economy in 2017, Prospects for 2018 and Some Policy Implications for Vietnam

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Nguyen Anh Thu, Vu Thanh Huong, Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai, Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises to Access Technological Innovation State Funds: International Experience and Lessons for Vietnam  

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Nguyen Manh Hung, State Governance and Implications for the Reforms of Market-economy Institutions in Vietnam 

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Hoang Khac Lich, Duong Cam Tu, The Impact of Government Debt on Economic Growth

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Nguyen Dang Minh, Building a Skill Training and Self-training Model for Vietnamese Students to Meet Enterprises’ Demands  

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Dang Thi HuongDeterminants of Managerial Skill Spillover from FDI Enterprises to SMEs in Vietnam  

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Dinh Thi Thanh Van, Nguyen Thuc TrangEffects of Financial Inclusion on Startup Establishment in OECD Countries 

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Ta Huy Hung, Management’s Perception of Key Performance Indicators for Vietnam Small and Medium Enterprises 

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Nguyen Thi Thanh Dan, Measures of Cooperation for the Electric Power University and Enterprises in Training Vocational Skills for Students 

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Nguyen Thi Minh Chi, Dao Thi Ly SaAgricultural Export Assistance to small and Medium Enterprises in the North Central Highlands in Vietnam Practices 
and Suggestions

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