Trang tin tức sự kiện

Vol 33 No 2E

Vu Thanh Huong, Pham Minh Tuyet, An Application of the SMART Model to Assess Impacts of the EVFTA on Vietnam’s Imports of Automobiles from the EU 

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Pham Xuan Kien, Researching the Relation between Operational Efficiency and the Profitability of Telecommunication Technology Joint-Stock Companies 

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Nguyen Vinh Khuong, Phung Anh Thu, Dinh Thi Thu Thao, The Effect of Top Executive Gender on Accrual Earnings Management: Sample Analysis of Vietnamese Listed Firms 

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Nguyen Phuong Lien, Causal Linkage among Tax Revenue, Provincial Competitiveness and Economic Growth at the Provincial Level: Evidence from Vietnam 

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Pham Thi Xuan Thoa, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, The Determinants of Capital Adequacy Ratio: The Case of the Vietnamese Banking System in the Period 2011-2015 

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Nguyen Dang Tue, Factors Affecting Financial Literacy of Vietnamese Adults: A Case Study for Hanoi and Nghe An 

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Le Thi Thanh Xuan, The Relation between Professional Ethics and Individual - Organizational Factors: A Study of Students’ Perceptions in Ho Chi Minh City 

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Pham Bich Uyen, Nguyen Van Phuong, Bui Doan Danh Thao, Sity Rohay Ni, Celebrity Endorsement as the Drivers of an Advertising Strategy: The Case of Toc Tien Endorsing OPPO 

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Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, The Relationship between Eco-friendly Practices and Attitudes toward Green Hotels for Domestic Tourists 

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