Khoa Tài chính Ngân hàng (EN)
UEB scientific research team attends World Bank and Finance workshop 2015

A.Prof – PhD. Tran Thi Thanh Tu presented at the workshop
In 2 days December 17 and 18, 2015, the VNU University of Economics and Business team of Microfinance lead by A.Prof – PdD. Tran Thi Thanh Tu attended World Bank and Finance (WFBS - World Finance & Banking Symposium) in Hanoi.

Workshop World Bank and Finance discusses issues related to the finance - banking is held annually in many countries around the world. This year's seminar attracted more than 140 delegates from over 40 countries worldwide.
The workshop is a forum for science researchers, professors and postgraduate students to share the result of new researches on the topic of finance. The workshop is divided into sub-committees, including corporate management, financial behavior, market efficiency, capital structure and cost of capital, banking and financial institutions, mergers and acquisitions, investment…
On behalf of the team, A.Proff – PhD. Tran Thi Thanh Tu presented a study on "The Impact of Rural Finance to sustainable poverty reduction in Vietnam" at the subcommittee on international finance. The research results of the team were highly appreciated in the method and scale of the research and practical value. The opinions at the workshop were useful suggestions for the team to complete the presentations and also suggest opening up new research directions for the reference group deployment.
Then, members of the team also participated in subcommittee discussions about efficient markets, real estate markets, and corporate finance.
The participants of the study group on Microfinance of UEB - VNU has great significance in expanding the research network of the University in the scientific forum over the world and contributes actively to the process of realizing the goal of building the research -oriented university.

Some pictures of the team in the conference.

The participants of the workshop

Scholar exchange between researchers

F-B Faculty