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Danh mục các công trình công bố quốc tế của nghiên cứu sinh bảo vệ thành công luận án năm 2019

[1]. Giang Thanh Long, Pham Thi Hong Tham and Phi Manh Phong (2018). “Productive activities of the older people in Vietnam”. Social Science and Medicine. DOI:

[2]. Giang Thanh Long, Phi Manh Phong, Pham Thi Hong Tham (2018), ‘Chapter 5: Vietnam’ in Giang Thanh Long & Theresa W. Devasahayam (eds.) Health rights of older people: Comparative Perspectives in ASEAN Countries. Singapore/London: Routledge.


[3]. Giang Thanh Long and Phi Manh Phong (2017). “The older women in Vietnam: Life – course poverty, determinants and policy implications”. In the Proceeding of international conference titled “Emerging issues in economics and business in the context of international integration”. Page: 213 – 226. Hanoi: National Economics University Press.

[4]. Tạ Huy Hùng (2018), “The leadership competency in Vietnam public administration”, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, Vol 9, number 1(17), tr 8-20 (SCOPUS LIST – Đồng tác giả)


[5]. Tạ Huy Hùng (2018), “Building capacity framework for leader of the public administration in Hoa Binh province”, Journal of Trade Science, volume 6, number 1, tr. 37-44

[6]. Tạ Huy Hùng (2018), “Empirical research for leadership competence in Vietnam local public administration. Case study in Hoa Binh Province”, Proceedings of BAASANA International Conference in Vietnam, tr. 188-200 (Đồng tác giả)

[7]. Tạ Huy Hùng (2018), “Solution for improving the Department’s Leader Performance in Hoa Binh Province”, Journal of Trade Science, Volume 6, number 4, pp 36-44

[8]. Pham P.M.H, Do V.L. Lo D.T, Regional redistribution and stabilization in Vietnam: Role of intergovernmental fiscal transfer, International Journal of Applied mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 58, Issue No.1, Year 2019, Page 12 – 27 – Tạp chí thuộc danh mục ISI


[9]. Nguyen Truc Le, Nguyen Manh Cuong, Nguyen Viet Loc, Nguyen Tat Tuan, Nguyen Ngoc Mien (2017), “Applying the strural Equation Modeling in the Determination of Risk Groups Water Resource Insecurity”, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. II, Issue 1, 2017, pg 7-19.

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